Calculate the expected allele and genotype frequecies

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Calculate the expected allele and genotype frequecies

Question 1:

A large population consists of genotypesAA,Aa, and aa frequencies of 0.1,0.6. and 0.3, respectively.

a.) What are the allele frequencies in this population?

b.) calculate the expected allele and genotype frequecies ofzygotes after one generation of random mating

Question 2:

Critize the following statements for random matingpopulations:

a.) For traits that can be categorized as dominant andrecessive, since only the dominant phenotype is expressed inheterozygotes, the dominant phenotype will always be freater infrequency in a population than the recessive phenotype.

b.) If a gene has only two possible alleles (ex: A and a),then all populations with this gene will have f(A)=0.5 and thef(a)=0.5.

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