conceptualized theory

conceptual approaches to global supply chains
August 15, 2017
Concept Paper: Discretion
August 15, 2017
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conceptualized theory

In the outline, you will submit your thoughts on what theories you are considering adopting into your own theory. The format should be a minimum of three pages on what you like about the theories you are considering adopting into your own way of thinking of what a social psychology theory should be. Remember, this will be your own conceptualized theory and is a flexible idea and not set in stone. The draft will be submitted as a Word document using APA formatting. this what the professor wrote: I wanted to clarify an aspect of Milestone 1 that may remove some of the anxiety that I feel you are experiencing. For Milestone 1, the most important thing to remember is that you are simply beginning to formulate your thoughts. You do not have to strive for perfection; nothing needs to be set in stone. It’s only a rough draft that you will present to me with ideas regarding how you see the Final Project materializing and coming together over time. It’s rough and flexible. There are two ways that you can present your thoughts; one is in typical outline form with subheadings and the other is by description. Each should be no more than 3 pages. The important thing for me is content. You’ll have to provide enough information in order for me to understand which direction you’re heading, what your personal theory is (again¦not set in stone), and which theories (at this time) you think you’ll be utilizing as your theoretical framework and your rationale for using it. After we sort things out and you begin to write your 2nd draft for Milestone 2, try to condense your thoughts and eliminate the superfluous and unnecessary chatter from Milestone 1. Think of it from this perspective; if you have written 2 pages, how can you condense the most important information into 2 paragraphs. Is everything you have written necessary or do you just like the way it sounds? Some of you may have your own method. Use what works. Submit as a Word document. APA format is critical. Milestone 1 is not graded but it does count towards the Milestone Submission Critical Element of the Final Paper. Whatever feedback I provide, I would like to see it incorporated in the Final Paper. Go over the PSY 530: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide. Make a checklist, and ask yourself œam I addressing the questions?; œdid I include every single element?; œdid I write clearly and succinctly?; œam I rambling but saying nothing?; œhave I become tangential in my though processes? and so on. Read the PROMPT“it contains all of the critical elements I will be looking for and expecting to see in your Final Paper. Try to start working on answering these questions. For the final project, students will develop a personal theory on social psychology based on any of the theories covered in the text and on their personal experiences. As you read through the assignments, take note of the theories (or parts of the theories) that make sense to you to be included in your own theory. Your own theory will probably be an eclectic mix

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