Confidentiality-Conflicts of Interest

August 15, 2017
Conducting Research and Evaluating Sources
August 15, 2017
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Confidentiality-Conflicts of Interest

Confidentiality-Conflicts of Interest Paper instructions: Short Essay: Answer the following questions with a some well-crafted sentences, using your own words. You may use the text for reference, but do not use a quote to give your answer, and do not just paraphrase. All of these questions can be answered in one very good paragraph, but there is no penalty for writing more than one paragraph. (Hint: None of these questions can be adequately answered in only a sentence or two.) The answer must truly be in your œown voice and must show that you understand the topic. The exam is worth 40 points, 10 points each question, and comprises 20% of your total grade (undergrads only; graduate students 10%). 1. Give at least two reasons why patients would want their medical information to be as private as possible. (See p. 318 “ 324 of text in the section titled œConfidentiality.) 2. Read the section on Conflicts of Interest beginning on p. 327. Explain how and why these conflicts undermine ethical principles as related to medicine, and be sure to say which medical principles are being violated.

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