Consider the following definition of semaphores: void semWait(s)

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Consider the following definition of semaphores: void semWait(s)

Consider the following definition of semaphores: void semWait(s) if (5 count > 0) s.count-; else place this process in s.queue; block; 252 CHAPTER 5 / CONCURRENCY: MUTUAL EXCLUSION AND SYNCHRONIZATION void semsignal (s) if (there is at least one process blocked on semaphore S) remove a process P from s.queue; place process P on ready list; else s.count++; Compare this set of definitions with that of Figure 5.3. Note one difference: With the preceding definition, a semaphore can never take on a negative value. Is there any difference in the effect of the two sets of definitions when used in programs? That is. could you substitute one set for the other without altering the meaning of the program?

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