contemporary Asian artists
August 15, 2017
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August 15, 2017
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CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY As consumers we increasingly find ourselves in a marketing environment with varying levels of information, sometimes too little or too much and at times contradictory. It often leads to confusion and thus has huge implications on effective consumer decision making. You have to investigate this issue by choosing a contemporary consumer behaviour topic which has to be approved by the tutor. Following are examples of some topics you may choose: Environmental issues Organic foods Food labeling The assignment question is based on secondary research and will be done on an individual basis. You have to consider your chosen topic by researching and critiquing the available literature in this area. Your research should cover a wide range of secondary information drawn from various sources including Academic and PractitionersÂ’/ OrganizationsÂ’ reports. You will: 1. Discuss the nature and quality of the information. 2. Identify key current controversies related to your chosen topic. 3. Discuss the effectiveness of the available information in consumer decision making. 4. Evaluate consumer opinions regarding the usefulness of the available information. 5. Discuss if consumers feel equipped to be competent consumers

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