ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS 1. Two acrylic key tabs are shown below. ( a ) List three faults in the design of key tab A . Fault 1 Fault 2 Fault 3 ( b ) Key tab B is made from acrylic. Tick ( ? ) the name of this type of plastic. Alloy Plastic laminate Thermosetting plastic Thermoplastic ( c ) The tool shown was used to cut the outline of key tab B . Tick ( ? ) the correct name of this tool. Tenon saw Jigsaw Coping saw Hacksaw A B 1. (continued) ( d ) The tool shown below was used to hold the acrylic when drilling. Tick ( ? ) the name of this tool. Sash cramp G cramp Machine vice Hand vice ( ) Acrylic can crack easily when drilling. Tick ( ? ) a method that could prevent cracking. Mark with a centre punch Drill quickly Support the acrylic on a piece of scrap wood Keep the protective cover on the acrylic ( f ) A file was used to finish edge X. Tick ( ? ) the name of a suitable file. Abra Half round Flat Square ( g ) The stages for finishing the edge of the acrylic key tab are given below in the wrong order . Polish Cross file Use wet and dry paper Draw file (i) State which stage would be completed first . (ii) State which stage would be completed last . Page three X