Critiquing Qualitative Research Articles or Studies
August 15, 2017
Critique of Quantitative Methods Journal Paper
August 15, 2017
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Write dup a short critique of the argument about œThe sex-bias myth in medicine, written by Andrew G. Kadar ¦¦.., Is this argument misleading or fallacious¦? Answer: Background The war on Iraq camouflages a lot of ideas such as the ones openly given: oil, Israel and military transformation. However such ideologies are only profound in the manipulative mind of the Bush administration which was solely for imperialism achievement and retaliation to Iraq after a failed assassin plot against President Bush senior in1991.My goal in this paper is to argue against the article entitled œWhy Bush went to war, written by Patrick Doherty, which appeared in the August 2004 issue of the online AlterNet magazine. It was not all about oil It is very clear that the Carter doctrine warned of foreign attacks at the Gulf, however this was brushed off in favor of America. Liberally stating, the international oil market is complex. It is not only Iraq that has vast oil reserves but so is Saudi Arabia America’s ability to resolve conflict and bring peace between Israel and Egypt means that it had power at its dispositions to resolve Iraqi conflict. This however turned to be ironical when it went to the battlefield with Iraq. The advocacy ability of America seemed fragile in comparison to that of British. British earlier on had a contract between its B.P and The Saudi Arabian for oil reserves and were an emulative act that could have been achieved by America. After all said and done, the winning of the war saw the American firms in no hurry of securing oil contracts anyway. Quest for hegemony Simply saying, Bush’s goal was of the assertion of global hegemony in terms of control over oil economy and not of protecting its client state, Israel. More than military transformation: What more could surpass a renowned super power’s militia? America is globally known for its exceptional militia. It has so far been the only one to capture al-Qaida’s deadliest leader and has been in the fore front on war on terror attack. How would it then have transformed its military if its war against Iraq was a sure win over Saddam Hussein? If bringing down Iraq was all about military transformation, then it changed nothing much in a short time. The death of terrorist leader, Osama Bin Laden was not realized by President Bush’s administration. It took another regime to bring down al-Qaida whose activities were not concretely linked to Saddam Hussein rule in Iraq. There was no such evidence. Place your order now¦¦¦¦¦¦..

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