Project description The beginning of a course project. The task this week is to identifiy a company to evaluate and research in North Dakota. Be sure to identifiy a company that you are able to gather enough information about so that you can fulfill each component of the project. Ideally the company you choose should have the following: Strong customer base, Customer service representatives that regularly interact with customers, website, an opportunity for you to interact with them, either in person, on the phone, or via internet, Information about the company that you can access through the internet or library, customer service training program for wmployees. Once you determined the company that you would like to use for this project, write a 1 page paper that includes the following: Company name and general description that includes history, years in business, and number of employees. Products and/or services they provide, and how they meet the needs of customers. Description of their primary customers. Why you chose them for this project.