Dealing with different times and places, Silver, Lui and Avila all offered explanations for why one group of Americans came to see certain other Americans as fundamentally different from themselves, as œthe other, people so fundamentally different that treating them harshly”sometimes very harshly”could seem justifiable, even necessary.
August 15, 2017
Dawkins Paper
August 15, 2017
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DE COMPRAS Create a conversation between a customer and a sales person in an open-air market based on the dialogue below. Cliente: Say good afternoon. Vendador: Greet the customer and ask what he/she would like. C: Explain that you are looking for a particular item of clothing. Ask if he is familiar with a certain brand of clothing (use imagination). V: Say, œYes, some arrived today. C: Discuss colours and sizes. V: Show the customer a few items. C: Ask, if he can give you that one over there. The vendedor gives the cliente the item. C: Say, you like it. Ask for the price. V: Tell him/her a price. Negotiate a price. C: Settle on a price and purchase the item. V: Accept a price and say thank you. CHECK LIST Categories Description Examples Included ü Vocabulary Clothing and shopping 1 Negotiating a price and buying 1 Colors 1 More adjectives 1 Grammar 6.1 Saber and conocer 1 6.2 Indirect object pronouns 1 6.3 Preterit tense of regular verbs 1 6.4 Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns 1 Present & Preterit tenses only Other Topic discussed: ¡De Compras! All advanced grammar / vocabulary underlined & sourced Written Assignments: Guidelines: The written assignment is graded on: grammar, vocabulary, flow, structure, comprehensibility and content. Upon submitting this assignment to dropbox, the instructor will not correct errors, but may instead underline any errors in your work as well as make suggestions for improvement. You may then use this same assignment for the oral assignment for this chapter. You are encouraged to make improvements and corrections, and you may re-submit to smarthinking if needed. When submitting your answers: either copy and paste your answers directly into the comment box (this makes grading quicker for the instructor) or submit your answers in one of the following document formats: pdf, doc, or docx. Other formats such as .wps & .pages are not acceptable. 2 points extra credit when you use the SmartThinking tutors before submitting this assignment.

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