Defining Moments Paper What are the influences that have shaped your ethical values?

Definition of Church.
August 15, 2017
Define, explain thoroughly, and GIVE AN EXAMPLE for each of the following. In your explanation include: number of suppliers, product type, who determines price, elasticity of demand, product example, efficiency, barriers to entry/ability to enter the market, and any unique characteristics of the market structure
August 15, 2017
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Defining Moments Paper What are the influences that have shaped your ethical values?

Defining Moments Paper What are the influences that have shaped your ethical values? Ethics mean the moral aspects that control the relevant conduct of a person or a section of people. According to Socrates, ethics is œHow one should lead his life. Ethics looks into how we are supposed to live, how we are supposed to handle other people or organize our lives. This hence leads to the varied aspects that affect the ethical values of a person; values, ego strength and locus of control. People tend to learn ethical issues in their school, homes and social set ups. Nonetheless, people have varied interpretation of this code of behaviour as they are impacted by varied life aspects. Work ethics is composed of how a person feels regarding what they do or career as well as how a person undertakes what they do (Badaracco, 1997). These are; attitude, behaviour, communication and interaction. The work ethics demonstrate several things of whom and how an individual is. Work ethics are composed of things like honesty and accountability. Basically, it is simplified to what a person undertakes or would undertake in a precise instance. The pending question is what is correct alongside what is correct to other people. This is composed of individuals looking another way when they have something doubtful. Work ethics like honesty, doing well at work, valuing others, being purposeful and being an integrate part of a bigger plan is important. Philosophically, if an individual is not bestowed with relevant work ethics, an individual’s conscience is disturbed. Individuals for a greater part have excellent work ethics that we do not want to undertake, however to do what is right in a précis instance. The work ethics is part of an inner being. The Christian attribute is composed of humility and handling of other people (Shaw, 2010). Aristotle looks at ethics as a œself-realization. Summarily, ethics are rules for distinguishing what is correct and not right, what is accountable and unaccountable and what is moral or immoral in whole. How do your personal influences and your defining moments impact your decision making in the workplace? A person’s influences and defining moments are attributed to every staff. These aspects are supposed to guide decision making and work-behaviour. Basically, ethics is will affect the work practices since you will be based on principles when working. The aspect of implementation of a person makes it possible for him or her to be aware of the code of ethics. If one is in a position of leadership for example, they have to be guided by a code of ethics and be grounded by the principles for to others. Supporting programs for ethics code allow for everyone to be focused and allow for discussion and enquiry. Supporting programs like online and telephone availability, issues the staff the chance to report code destructions or enquire about code violations or acquire ethical questions when trying to make a decision and special gatherings (Badaracco, 1997). Even if one has the ability to speak to an individual and not the work-mates when enquiring about something, one is probable to follow a code of behaviour when setting a decision. Reviewing oneself or the people within your control; like staff, for code compliance issues a rigid effect in the workplace and on staff behaviour. Constant reviews issues focus to the code and may reveal tendencies that go against the code. The individual or the staff may not know what they are doing is not in line with the code of ethics till it is brought forth and discussed. Review elements do not have to separate the staff or an individual. An individual or a person has one or two ethical cultures of integration. The first cultural aspect is where one is motivated to report ethics violations at the work place as fast as possible. In the second cultural aspect, the staff or a person is encouraged to discuss matters on ethics with other staff or people prior to reporting (Shaw, 2010).). The form of culture affects the code’s impact on work decisions. For example one may report criminal issues in the first cultural aspect to look into the issue and code to the violator in a report based on the second aspect. How do my feelings and intuitions define, for me, the right vs. right conflict? The right vs. right conflict defines the extent of a manager’s ability and accountability. A person’s accountability is to himself and others, this is the case for people in places of leadership. Moreover, vital questions arise as to who a person is? And what they stand for, variedly, a person’s decision brings about basic company questions, like are we? What do we stand for/ and what code of behaviour guide us? As well as how we define ourselves in the society? These questions do not substitute matters dealing with moral aspects and personal integrity. In truth, they are keenly connected with them. A person in a company is bound by his personal commitment to a set of values; meeting the interests of the people he served, while safeguarding the jobs of individuals he or she works with and defining fairness as looking to get the same from the others (Badaracco, 1997). However, if one agrees to another person’s values, they are bound to weaken their personal commitments. A person’s decision may not be strictly personal; its effect will be vast. The individuals that are close will be keen and interpret his choices so as to know what their values are, if they are trust worthy and how they are to behave. A person as well as those in leadership positions is bound by the codes of conduct of the society as well as their personal values and commitments. In most cases they bear the brunt of complicated choices even though they have duties with no authority (Shaw, 2010). People are pressed by their society to meet a number of goals while at the same time changes threaten what they do. It is the right vs. right conflict that made managers in the middle option to come up with choices. Summarily, the right vs. right conflict is a case where manager have to get their hands busy through making choices in regards to attributes like honesty, fairness, respect and accountability. Those in leadership position face conflict in terms of their professional duties with their personal issues. Right vs. right conflict A case in point is working as a manager in a company where is bound by the values of the company and personal beliefs. The staff that works below is keen to follow what the manager does; they will know if they are able to trust him. The choice the manager makes will model the policies of the game and describe what is just in the company. The manager and his workmates are in the middle and are stretched in varied directions by what they believe and committed to. In most cases, they are faced by complicated choice that they are bound by accountability than authority (Christensen, 2010). Pressure increases to bring in more revenue for the company. While there comes a risk of restructuring and layoffs. In such cases it forces one to quite or not to do anything. I did all I could so as to make sure that the company was stable in terms of profits as well as other areas. This was quite difficult as it forces managers in the middle to come up with very important choices. As a manager one has no option but to choose one; either does nothing or leaves the job as well as makes a choice that would drive the company forth or fall. It is here that the solution one would have to commit himself as well as the department. Moral downfall threatens managers and a responsible way of handling it is quite admirable. In coming up with the decision for the company as well as the department it took into consideration my role as a manager and the connection it had to external stakeholders. My choice would affect the success of the company and vital choices as the middle manager would suffice a fall or a rise. The situation called for the fox who is much more patient and an opportunist (Christensen, 2010). Caution had to be taken into consideration as any slight mistake could lead to the downfall of the whole company including the department. Balance was considered; looking at the varied scenarios and changed consequences, being modest and conscious of the limitations. Reflection Each and every person has to allocate themselves time from the daily activities. According to Aurelius œAre you distracted by outwards cares? Then allow yourself a space of quiet¦ so as to good knowledge and manage restlessness. We tend to learn from what we go through as well as role models. We have to get ready for defining moments. Human beings and precisely those in leadership positions like managers cannot do without provisional compromise. This will finally be satisfactory that we have direction. As a manager, it calls for one to be tactical, realistic, and action-based as well as politically straight in addition to being in a righteous life. As a manager, one has to be courteous to the staff they work with, have self-control and looks for the greater good of the society. Handling with defining matters is quite difficult. However there is much that can be done to manage these issues. Rigorous groundwork and reflection of oneself can bring out our intuition (Christensen, 2010). Awareness and experience can bring out a great sense of assistance to managers to manage these issues. Having time for oneself can make it possible for them to get a clear picture of what is before them and look at the varied aspects present as well as their consequences. Factors of strict consideration were the implication to the company and the staff working in the department while on the other hand there are the overriding personal considerations. Being patient and acting at the opportune time would help to acquire correct results at the end. While on the other end, the rise of pressure from varied sectors in the company would call for quitting as it goes against the accepted code of behaviour. References Badaracco, J. (1997). Defining Moments: When Managers Must Choose Between Right and Right. New York: Harvard Business Press. Christensen, D. (2010). Four Question For Analyzing The Right-Versus-Right Dilemmas Of Managers. Journal of Business Case Studies, Vol 6, No. 3. Shaw, P. (2010). Defining Moments: Navigating Through Business and Organizational Life. London: Palgrave Macmillan

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