Do PRSPs represent a fundamental break from SAPs?;Politics of globalisation.

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Do PRSPs represent a fundamental break from SAPs?;Politics of globalisation.

Do PRSPs represent a fundamental break from SAPs?;Politics of globalisation. Comprehension, Anaylsis, Critique, Presentation COMPREHENSION: Demonstrates exemplary command of the subject matter including, where appropriate, methodological, technical and scholarship skills. ANALYSIS: Presents a completely focused, relevant and well-structured answer with full and accurate development of concepts/theories, and excellent use of evidence. CRITIQUE: Understands and evaluates relevant arguments, debates and/or interpretations in a manner that demonstrates an exceptional capacity for independent thought. This may amount to an extension of existing arguments, debates and/or interpretations. PRESENTATION: Demonstrates complete command of techniques of academic writing with particular reference to structure, referencing/sourcing and spelling/grammar. The New Architecture of Global Governance II: World Bank The World Bank plays a critical role in the lives of billions of people across the third world. Financial support from the Bank constitutes such a high proportion of government revenue in many third world countries that the bank is better conceived of as being a part of the state rather than an external actor. In order to understand what the term ˜development’ means in the contemporary world and the prospects for development globally it is vital that we understand the World Bank’s contemporary developmental project. In order to develop an understanding of this project we must not only understand the bank itself but how other institutions (such as the UNCTAD) have come to be integrated into this project. Reading Questions: What are the key features of the World Bank’s contemporary project and how does this project differ from the previous œWashington Consensus project? What does the concept of ownership mean within the contemporary global development project? Do you support the World Bank’s project? Does this project represent the best chance for the global poor? Core Reading P Cammack (2006) ˜UN imperialism: Unleashing entrepreneurship in the developing world’, in C. Mooers (ed.), The New Imperialists: Ideologies of Empire (Oxford: OneWorld Publications) P Cammack (2001) ˜Making the Poor Work for Globalisation?’, New Political Economy, 6(3): 397 “ 408 G Harrison (2005) ˜The World Bank, Governance and Theories of Political Action in Africa’ British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 7(2) 240- 260 J Stiglitz (1998) œMore Instruments and Broader Goals: Moving toward the post-Washington Consensus The 1998 WIDER Lecture, Helsinki, Finland January 7.( Additional Readings Post Washington Consensus/The contemporary World Bank K Bayliss, Ben Fine and Elisa van Waeyenberge (2011) The Political Economy of Development K Jayasuriya (2001) œGovernance, Post Washington Consensus and the New Anti Politics , Working Paper 2 Southeast Asia Research Centre City University of Hong Kong ( P Cammack (2002) œThe Mother of all Governments: The World Bank’s Matrix for Global Governance, in Steven Hughes and Rorden Wilkinson (eds) Global Governance: Critical Perspectives, London: Routledge. D Craig and D Porter (2003) œPoverty Reduction Strategy Papers: A new convergence, World Development, 31(1), pp. 53-69. G Harrison (2004) The World Bank and Africa: The Construction of Governance States Journal of International Development, Volume 13, Number 3 (April 2001), special issue Focus on World Development Report 2000/01: Attacking Poverty J Pender. (2001) œFrom Structural Adjustment to Comprehensive Development Framework: Conditionality transformed? Third World Quarterly, 22(3), pp. 387-411. J Burki and G Perry. (1998) Beyond the Washington Consensus: Institutions Matter, ( /lac/ lacinfoclient. nsf/0/02 4907138267B5658525675400633DD8?OpenDocument M.S Khan and S Sharma, S. (2003) œIMF conditionality and country ownership of adjustment programs, The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 227-248. ( Ben Fine, Costas Lapavitsas and J. Pincus (eds) (2001) Development Policy in the Twenty-first Century: Beyond the Post-Washington Consensus P Kuczynski and J Williamson (eds) (2003) After the Washington Consensus: Restarting Growth and Reform in Latin America ( T.N.Srinivasan, 2000, œThe Washington Consensus a Decade Later: Ideology and the Art and Science of Policy Advice, The World Bank Research Observer, Aug. R Wade (2002) œUS Hegemony and the World Bank: the fight over people and ideas Review of International Political Economy 9:2 Summer 2002: 215-243. P Mosely. (2004) Pro-Poor Politics and the New Political Economy of Stabilisation, New Political Economy, 9 (2) B Fine (2001) œThe Social Capital of the World Bank in B. Fine, C. Lapavitsas and J. Pincus (eds) Development Policy in the Twenty-first Century: Beyond the Post-Washington Consensus World Bank (1997) World Development Report 1997: The State in a Changing World World Bank (2003) World Development Report 2002: Building Institutions for Markets World Bank (2005) A Better Investment Cilmate for Everyone P Cammack (2004) œWhat the World Bank Means by Poverty Reduction and Why It Matters, New Political Economy, 9, 2, 2004. P Cammack (2003) ˜The Governance of Global Capitalism’, Historical Materialism, 11, 2, 2003. P Cammack (2002) ˜Attacking the Poor’, New Left Review, 2/13, pp. 125-134. P Cammack (2002) ˜Neoliberalism, the World Bank, and the New Politics of Development’, in U. Kothari and M. Minogue, eds, Development Theory and Practice: Critical Perspectives Paul Cammack (2001) ˜Making Poverty Work’, in L. Panitch and C. Leys, eds, A World of Contradictions: Socialist Register 2002 Paul Cammack (2006) Global goverance, state agency and competitiveness: The political economy of the Commission for Africa, British Journal of Politics and International Relations 8 (3): 331-350. G Harrison (2005) “ ˜The World Bank, Second Generation Reform, and Development in Africa’ African Review G Harrison (2005) “ ˜Economic Faith, Social Project, and a Misreading of African Society: the Travails of Neoliberalism in Africa’ Third World Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 1303-1320 Lazarus, Joel (2008) Participation in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers: reviewing the past, assessing the present and predicting the future, Third World Quarterly, 29:6, 1205-1221 Stewart, Frances and Michael Wang ˜Do PRSPs empower poor countries and disempower the World Bank, or is it the other way round?’ QEH Working Paper Number 108; ( Structural adjustment in practice D.E Sahn, P.A Dorosh and S.D Younger, (1997) Structural Adjustment Reconsidered: Economic Policy and Poverty in Africa J Mihevc (1995) The Market tells them so: The World Bank and Economic Fundamentalism in Africa * Review of African Political Economy 1990, Special Issue on ˜Structural Adjustment’ in. No. 47, Spring Tetteh A. Kofi, 1994, Structural adjustment in Africa: a performance review of World Bank policies under uncertainty in commodity price trends : the case of Ghana Washington Consensus J Williamson (1990) œWhat Washington Means by Policy Reform in John Williamson (ed.) Latin American Adjustment: How Much Has Happened?(

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