Engineering (Physics)

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August 15, 2017
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August 15, 2017
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Engineering (Physics)

Ansys Exercises (2-D Pipe!) Consider developing ?ow in a pipe of length L = 8 m, diameter D = 0.2 m, ? = 1 kg/m3 , µ =2 × 10^-3 kg/m s, and entrance velocity u_in = 1 m/s. Use FLUENT with the œsecond-order upwind scheme for momentum to solve for the ?ow?eld on meshes of 100 × 5, 100 × 10 and 100 × 20 (axial divisions × radial divisions). 1. Plot the axial velocity pro?les at the exit obtained from the three meshes. Also, plot the corresponding velocity pro?le obtained from fully-developed pipe analysis. Indicate the equation you used to generate this pro?le. In all, you should have four curves in a single plot. Use a legend to identify the various curves. Axial velocity u should be on the abscissa and r on the ordinate. 2. Calculate the shear stress Tau_xy at the wall in the fully-developed region for the three meshes. Calculate the corresponding value from fully-developed pipe analysis. For each mesh, calculate the % error relative to the analytical value. Include your results as a table:

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