Explain what Hegel, in Phenomenology of Spirit, means by ONE of the following: (a) œThe Truth of Self-certainty (b) œLordship and Bondage (c) œThe Unhappy Consciousness (d) œObserving Reason 2. Explain what Schopenhauer, in Will and Representation, Explain what Hegel, in Phenomenology of Spirit, means by ONE of the following: (a) œThe Truth of Self-certainty (b) œLordship and Bondage (c) œThe Unhappy Consciousness (d) œObserving Reason 2. Explain what Schopenhauer, in Will and Representation, means by ONE of the following: (a) œThe World as Will (b) œthe endless stream of willing (c) œThe world is my representation. (d) œthe sublime 3. EITHER (a) Examine Marx’s analysis of the Hegelian dialectic in his Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. OR (b) Examine Marx’s understanding of œestranged labor in his Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844.