Explain what Hegel, in Phenomenology of Spirit, means

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Explain what Hegel, in Phenomenology of Spirit, means

Explain what Hegel, in Phenomenology of Spirit, means by ONE of the following: (a) œThe Truth of Self-certainty (b) œLordship and Bondage (c) œThe Unhappy Consciousness (d) œObserving Reason 2. Explain what Schopenhauer, in Will and Representation, Explain what Hegel, in Phenomenology of Spirit, means by ONE of the following: (a) œThe Truth of Self-certainty (b) œLordship and Bondage (c) œThe Unhappy Consciousness (d) œObserving Reason 2. Explain what Schopenhauer, in Will and Representation, means by ONE of the following: (a) œThe World as Will (b) œthe endless stream of willing (c) œThe world is my representation. (d) œthe sublime 3. EITHER (a) Examine Marx’s analysis of the Hegelian dialectic in his Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. OR (b) Examine Marx’s understanding of œestranged labor in his Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844.

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