History History General Instructions Your goal for this paper is to help me find good movies to use in this class. Choose 2 movies from the list that have something in common (theme, period, event, etc.). Your thesis should be an argument for which, if either, would make a good movie to use in class. You might also suggest one or more scenes from the movies rather than the entire movie. The body of your paper should be an analysis of both movies’ themes, strengths, and weaknesses. The two key pieces to analyze are a) historical accuracy and b) relevance to US foreign policy. Your paper should include a lot of details from history and from the movies. Use at least two sources per movie. These should be scholarly sources. One source can be the textbook. 1500 words minimum. Holistic Grading Papers and Essays will be graded holistically, based on whether you: have a strong, analytical thesis (i.e. “ do you discuss how and the why rather than just the who/what/when/where) that answers the prompt. support your thesis with plenty of detail demonstrate an understanding of the historical context organize your essay effectively use college level writing follow the instructions Possible Movies Indian Wars Dances with Wolves Little Big Man The Searchers Foreign Policy Before World War II All Quiet on the Western Front Sergeant York The Grand Illusion World War II Movies Bridge on the River Kwai Foreign Correspondent (Hitchcock) Judgment at Nuremberg . Letters from Iwo Jima Notorious (1946 “ Alfred Hitchcock) Saving Private Ryan Schindler’s List The Dirty Dozen The Thin Red Line Tuskegee Airmen Cold War Movies 1984 High Noon 13 Days The Manchurian Candidate (1962) The Spy Who Came in From the Cold (1965) Vietnam War Movies Apocalypse Now Born on the Fourth of July Full Metal Jacket Good Morning, Vietnam (Robin Williams) Platoon We Were Soldiers America in the Middle East Movies Argo Charlie Wilson’s War Jarhead Syriana The Hurt Locker The Kingdom Three Kings Other Black Hawk Down Wag the Dog