historical effect of gender roles

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historical effect of gender roles

historical effect of gender roles Background In 1957, McGraw-Hill (an established academic textbook publisher) created a series of educational sociology videos. For this assignment, view McGraw-Hill’s 1950s short film about the history of the American family called œOur Changing Family Life about the changes the family has experienced from the late 1800s to the 1950s. After watching the film, answer the questions below. Link to video (Please allow time for the video to load) Questions to Answer (15 points per question) 1. List 3 major changes in the family that the film depicts. Next, describe these three in detail, integrating information from class notes and readings. 2. Use your class notes and the readings to identify and explain at least 3 details with regard to the historical effect of race/ethnicity that this film ignores. 3. Do you think the film suggests that the family has declined or not declined? Explain using examples from the film or class lecture. 4. This film was created in a different era and thus may be biased. Please describe at least 2 biases of the film and provide an explanation (using class notes and the readings) for why these are biases. 5. Please propose 3 ways in which a film about œfamily changes made in 2012 would differ. Use examples from the readings and class to back up your argument.

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