How the landmark case Swan v. Charlotte- Mecklenburg saw the courts approve mandatory bussing across school district lines in order to remedy residential segregation and facilitate a more diverse school environment

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How the landmark case Swan v. Charlotte- Mecklenburg saw the courts approve mandatory bussing across school district lines in order to remedy residential segregation and facilitate a more diverse school environment

How the landmark case Swan v. Charlotte- Mecklenburg saw the courts approve mandatory bussing across school district lines in order to remedy residential segregation and facilitate a more diverse school environment Answer some questions about how the landmark case Swan v. Charlotte- Mecklenburg saw the courts approve mandatory bussing across school district lines in order to remedy residential segregation and facilitate a more diverse school environment Paper details In 1971, the landmark case Swan v. Charlotte- Mecklenburg saw the courts approve mandatory bussing across school district lines in order to remedy residential segregation and facilitate a more diverse school environment. This case was seen as further enforcement of the rulings of both brown 1 and brown 11 as many areas of the country were very slow in desegregating . However within 3 years, the decision was reversed in Miliken v. Bradley, where the courts stated that school districts were not responsible for desegregating across district lines nor were they required to do so. Using both your knowledge of education history in Rury and your knowledge of educational Philosophy in Brighouse, discuss the implications of this ruling on current state of education in the United States. In so doing, answer the following questions: has our legal and educational policies succeeded in creating a diverse and integrated public school environment? Why do you think they have or have not? Would schools benefit more from policies similar to what was attempted under Swan?Or should diversity and integration come from some other method? what method do you think should be used? Or should schools be free from such regulations? Why or why not? You need two books, which I won’t be able to provide 1) On Education, Harry Brighouse (Routledge, 2005) 2) Education and Social Change (4th Ed), John Rury (Routledge, 2013) Technical and Stylistic Checklist 1. Use the active voice. Avoid the passive voice whenever possible. 2. Be explicit in your analysis. Don’t beat around the bush by offering clichés- be direct and vivid and include specific examples 3. Be judicious in determining where to break a paragraph 4. Proofread! Preferably more than once 5. Omit needles words. Only include essential words in any given sentence. For instance, œthe fact that should only read œthat. Etc 6. Stay consisen in verb tense. In writing about the past, stay in the past tense throughout. When speaking to the audience about, say, how a particular event in the past makes sense to us today, then feel free to use present tense 7. In using parenthetical page references after quotation, the punctuation mark follow the parenthesis- It does not fall within the quotation itself 8. Avoid all fragments 9. Upon introducing a person’s name for the first time in a paper, use the first and last name 10. Incomporate a title that is suggestive and indicative of your main point in the essay. 11. When quoting directly form a source, include page number 12. Don’t end paragraphs with a quotation

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