Intrinsic by Gender

Frameworks that MUST be included and discussed is the Oppsala Model for Internationalisation PLUS The Eclectic Paradigm by
August 15, 2017
August 15, 2017
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Intrinsic by Gender


Perform the following two-tailed hypothesis test, using a .05 significance level:

  • Intrinsic by Gender
  • State the null and an alternate statement for the test
  • Use Microsoft Excel (Data Analysis Tools) to process your data and run the appropriate test. Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.
  • Identify the significance level, the test statistic, and the critical value.
  • State whether you are rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis statement.
  • Explain how the results could be used by the manager of the company.


Perform the following two-tailed hypothesis test, using a .05 significance level:

  • Extrinsic variable by Position Type
  • State the null and an alternate statement for the test
  • Use Microsoft Excel (Data Analysis Tools) to process your data and run the appropriate test.
  • Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.
  • Identify the significance level, the test statistic, and the critical value.
  • State whether you are rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis statement.
  • Explain how the results could be used by the manager of the company.

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