Solution-Transmission of hiv and spread of aids worldwide

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Solution-Transmission of hiv and spread of aids worldwide

In preparation for this Assignment, please visit each of the following websites to learn about how HIV wreaks havoc on the human immune system. Overview of HIV Treatments. Retrieved from

CDC. Retrieved from

CDC. Living with HIV. Retrieved from

Aidsinfo. Health Topics. Treatment Resources: General Treatment Information. Retrieved from 65/general-treatment-information

Then, answer the questions below:

  • Transmission of HIV and spread of AIDS worldwide.
  • New advances in treatments for HIV disease.
  • Some people have talked about the “end of AIDS” in the past few years. Why? Is this really the end?
  • Why do you think some nations are unable to obtain drugs that they need to prevent/treat HIV disease?
  • What have some nations done to help decrease the rates of HIV infection?
  • What advice would you give to a young person who has just discovered that s/he is HIV-positive? How would your advice be different if that person lived in Uganda?
  • What are some local resources in your area for people with concerns about HIV or AIDS?

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