From your analysis of border security, identify what you see as the top three issues regarding border security, your rationale for that determination and your assessment of the agency that should have primary responsibility to address that issue and why that agency should be the lead.

PR5 Smart Custom Essay
August 4, 2017
August 4, 2017
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From your analysis of border security, identify what you see as the top three issues regarding border security, your rationale for that determination and your assessment of the agency that should have primary responsibility to address that issue and why that agency should be the lead.

Positively reply to Mary’s discussion post on U.S. border security. Mary answered the following question: From your analysis of border security, identify what you see as the top three issues regarding border security, your rationale for that determination and your assessment of the agency that should have primary responsibility to address that issue and why that agency should be the lead.

One of the issues regarding border security is simply the vast amount of border there is to secure. There are security checkpoints set up along the border but those checkpoints are not where the illegal movement is happening. The amount of space between checkpoints is too large but there is no way to have the entire border patrolled 24/7 without expending enormous amounts of money. (Steinmetz 2011) Even when remotely piloted aircraft is used, only small areas are watched at any single period of time.

Another issue is the inherent difficulty of providing border security without stopping tourism and trade in and out of the country. It is extremely difficult to ensure that every package that enters the United States is checked thoroughly. There is simply not enough time to do that while getting products to the shelves. This leaves the possibility of illegal products (weapons, drugs) to cross the border.

Lastly, there is a lack of experience in the border patrol agents due to a higher rate of attrition. With this, too much time is spent on training new recruits and less time spent on the actual job. In addition, when constantly hiring to replace people, it is difficult to get more people to patrol other areas. (Steinmetz 2011)

I think that the way it is set up right now with Customs and Border Patrol in charge of the border with homeland security above them is the way it should be. There needs to be a dedicated agency that focuses strictly on border issues. But at the same time, it is part of homeland security so the DHS should be the overarching department in charge.

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