Relevant academic theories, models & frameworks

Let’s Explore the World through Music
August 4, 2017
August 4, 2017
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Relevant academic theories, models & frameworks

Selection of relevant  academic theories, models & frameworks from course literature to identify key issues of personal decision making situation    No selection of relevant theories, models or

OR literature used is not from this course;
issues in personal decision  making situation not identified

3.5    Selection of the some relevant theories, models and/or frameworks from the course literature;
adequate identification of key issues in personal decision  making situation

4.8    Selection of the generally relevant theories, models and/or frameworks from the course literature;
and a generally good identification of key issues in personal decision making situation
5.6    Excellent Integration of a) very relevant theories, models and/or frameworks from the course literature with b) a clear and logical identification of key issues in personal decision

making situation
6.4    Outstanding Integration of a) selection of the most relevant theories, models and/or frameworks from the course literature with b) an Insightful identification of key issues in personal

decision -making situation
7.5    (20%)

Application of relevant academic theories, models and frameworks to evaluate why  the issues of the personal decision making situation arose    Descriptive summary of the situation, with

no analysis evident; no theoretical dimension to the writing.

4.5    Some analysis of why the issues arose, but still mostly descriptive; theoretical sources are described rather than discussed; the link between theory and the case issues is occasional

and/or superficial.

6    A mostly clear analysis of why the issues arose; theoretical sources are fairly well integrated into the discussion.

7    A precise analysis of why the issues arose; theoretical sources are well synthesised and integrated into a generally critical discussion.

8    A precise, insightful analysis of why the issues arose; theoretical sources are accurately and concisely synthesised, and thoughtfully integrated into an insightful critical discussion.
9.5    (25%)

Personal reflection, informed by theory, on how the issue could have been addressed differently    No articulated understanding of your personal decision making processes;  OR no link

between theory and personal understanding; no discussion of how you could have dealt with issues differently.

6.5    Some use of theory to explain your personal decision making processes, but some of the explanation has no clear theoretical foundation;  some use of this knowledge to discuss how

you could have dealt with the issues differently;  OR some identification of different outcomes, but inadequate discussion of how they could have been achieved.
8.4    Use of generally relevant theory to articulate some understanding of your personal decision making processes;  some use of this knowledge to discuss how you could have dealt with

the issues differently.

9.8    Use of mostly relevant theory to articulate an understanding of your personal decision making processes;  use of this knowledge to discuss how you could have dealt with the issues

differently for a more effective outcome.

11.2    Use of relevant  theory to articulate an insightful understanding of your personal decision making processes;  use of this knowledge to discuss how you could have dealt with the issues

differently; recognition of what might have been the most effective outcome/s.

13.5    (35%)

Clear language, overall structure and correct referencing    Structure is very unclear or lacking; poor formatting; inadequate or mostly incorrect referencing

3.5    Some section headings, but structure not always clear; inconsistent formatting; genuine attempt to reference, but many errors.

4.8    Adequate section headings; consistent formatting; mostly correct referencing

5.6    Clear section headings & heading hierarchy;  excellent formatting;  completely correct referencing

6.4    Clear, logical section headings & heading hierarchy reflect the discussion; outstanding formatting;  completely correct referencing
7.5    (20%)


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