a review of some key audit and risk management concepts/a critical overview of auditing software – IDEA

cultural intelligence and organization
August 3, 2017
Community Engaged Learning
August 3, 2017
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a review of some key audit and risk management concepts/a critical overview of auditing software – IDEA

a review of some key audit and risk management concepts/a critical overview of auditing software – IDEA

Project description
SOFTWARE IDEA is required.

Part A: 1200 words
Part B: 800 words (credit will be given for practical demonstrations e.g. screenshots of various features of the package chosen. Critique of the selected packages –

perhaps, including users observations, will be given credit.)

Part A – Control and Risk
The ‘COSO model’ sets out an exemplar ‘Control Framework’
•    Briefly explain the purpose of the framework and give succinct overviews of the framework’s main features
•    Give Specific examples of the application of the framework in a computerised environment.
Note your answer should include THREE examples of how the Framework could be applied in a computerised environment.

Part B – Critical overview of audit software
In recent weeks you have had hands on experience of auditing software IDEA.
•    Give a critical overview of the main features of the software.
•    Explain how the software could be employed by specified users.
Note your answer should refer to at least TWO users and be specific in how the user would employ the software.

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