Evaluating my Spiritual Life

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Evaluating my Spiritual Life

Topic: Evaluating my Spiritual Life

Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

Carefully scan and review Peterson book, Working the Angles: the Shape of Pastoral Integrity. Write a 3 page double spaced personal reflection paper about how the concepts of this book have impacted your spiritual life.

Write about your personal prayer life and the need for prayer.

Write about your personal Bible study habits.

This is not a book review. An emphasis must be put on the personal application of the textbook, not review of the contents.

This paper is review and evaluation of your personal life:other research materials may be included in th paper, and other maybe addressed.

Please use footnotes according to Turabian style as you cite your sources and substantiate your claims.

The book: Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral integrity. By Eugene H. Peterson.

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