Comparing political identity of United Kingdom and China, specifically the long term causes of changes and continuities. Question: Does democracy help to develop or inhibit the development of political identity?

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Comparing political identity of United Kingdom and China, specifically the long term causes of changes and continuities. Question: Does democracy help to develop or inhibit the development of political identity?

Comparing political identity of United Kingdom and China, specifically the long term causes of changes and continuities. Question: Does democracy help to develop or
inhibit the development of political identity?

Order Description

Question: Does democracy help to develop or inhibit the development of political identity?
–> Compare The United Kingdom and China in this comparative research paper to answer the question.

The variables to be analyzed in the paper could be political institutions (e.g. political parties, bureaucracy); processes (e.g. democratization, resilient
authoritarianism); policies (e.g. FDI-led economic development, resource-oriented development); and values and attitudes (e.g. close cooperation between government and
business; individualism)
Use a comparative method to compare the political identity of the United Kingdom and China, use either method of agreement or method of difference in your comparative
analysis. The method of agreement is such that you compare and contrast the United Kingdom and China which have different attributes but have similar outcome, and the
one attribute that these two countries share in common is attributed as the causal factor. By contrast, the method of difference is one in which you compare and
contrast the two chosen countries with the same attributes but different outcomes, and the one attribute that is present when an outcome occurs but that is absent in
similar case when the outcome does not occur is the causal factor.

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