Managing Systems Implementation

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Managing Systems Implementation

Managing Systems Implementation

This assignment includes two case studies. The first case study is designed to assess your knowledge about the design, configuration and operations of information systems (CPA 5) using your excel computer skills learned using MyITLab. The second case study assesses your knowledge pertaining to database concepts (CPA 2 & 3).

Table 1 provides a summary of the submissions requirements, identifying the software programs you need to use to complete each task, what is required and pages from the text where examples and guidance is provided. Each case study provides a background that includes all information required to complete the questions.

Your submission should be a single (1) electronic PDF document that includes all diagrams and/or explanatory notes. This document can include images, text, internal links and tables, but should not include links to other documents, software or webpages. Your assignment is to be electronically submitted in the submissions folder found on the course blackboard. No paper submissions will be accepted.

Table 1 Assignment Requirements
Cast study Question/s Textbook
Case Study 1 – Jupiter Public Library Using MS Excel, create 2 diagrams:
1. Multiple successors tasks
2. PERT/CPM chart
3. Critical path
4. Updated PERT/CPM chart with Critical Path Chapter 3
(pages 110-117)
Total possible marks 40
Case Study 2 – Basics AutoCare Using MS Excel:
5. Create an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) Chapter 9
(Pages 410-430)
6. ERD Relationship Types (Pages 406-407)
7. Standard Notation Format (Page 411)
Using MS Access:
8. Relational diagram Chapter 9
(Pages 405, 426-430)
Using MS Access: Chapter 8
9. Data Entry Screens (Pages 363-370)
10. Populate database Tables
Total possible marks 60
Total Assignment Marks 100

The following pages provide the details of each case study and the questions that you are required to answer. All seven questions are required to be answered.

Case Study 1 – Jupiter Public Library
Jupiter Public Library is located in a small but growing rural community. Jupiter is rapidly becoming suburban as more people move into the area. The influx of library patrons has stretched this small library’s information system to its limits. The current system is computerized, but it was not designed to handle the workload that is now required. As librarians log books in and out of the system, it is not unusual for the information system to hang. The library building has just been expanded to sustain increasing public visitors. Local leaders have agreed that a new information system is necessary for the continued operation of the library.
The preliminary investigation has revealed that a retail package would be more cost-effective than an in-house solution. Following this information, a formal project definition has been formulated and approved. The project will implement a popular vertical software package built specifically for library systems.
Implementing the project will require a number of tasks to be performed within five main stages: First, the logical and physical design of the new library network needs to be made. New computer hardware then will be ordered to upgrade old computer workstations and build new ones. The software package also must be obtained (via mail), and once the computer parts arrive they need to be installed. Immediately following the arrival of new parts, a prototype system is to be built in a test environment to configure and test the system before a full-scale deployment. The prototype build process will require that the new hardware parts and the software package both be present. After the prototype has been built, the software package is to be configured and customized on the prototype. After extensive prototype testing, existing records are to be converted to the new program’s format. Following the conversion, the configured software will be installed on all systems in the operational environment and the entire system will be tested again to ensure that it is operating correctly. After the system is operational, the librarians will need training to operate the new system effectively.
You have helped to break down the project into a list of tasks along with the estimated duration of each task:

Task ID Task Description Duration (in Days) Predecessors
1. Create Design Plan 8
2. Obtain New Hardware 12 1
3. Obtain Software Package 4 1
4. Install New Hardware 15 2
5. Build Prototype System 5 2,3
6. Software Configuration/Customization 15 5
7. Prototype Testing 30 6
8. Convert Library Records to New Format 14 7
9. Full Install of Software Package 5 4,7,8
10. System Testing 10 9
11. Librarian Training 30 9
1. Which one(s) of the tasks in the table above have multiple successors?
2. Using Microsoft Excel, create a PERT/CPM chart based on the given tasks. The start of the project is 1 October, 2012. The project team works 7 days a week.
3. In the PERT/CPM chart you have drawn for question 1, which tasks are in the critical path?
4. Unfortunately task #8, convert library records to new format, is taking much longer to complete than was anticipated. It is now estimated to take an extra 12 days to complete. This would change the PERT/CPM chart that you drew in task 1. Using Microsoft Excel, re-draw your PERT/CPM based on the change proposed, and then highlight the critical path items (arrows and boxes) by changing their colour to red.
Marking Matrix
Item Question Submission Type (examples can be found) Marked out of
Case Study 1 Question 1
Question 2 Multiple successor tasks (page 111)
PERT/CPM Chart (page 117) 10
Question 3
Question 4 Critical path (page 117)
Updated PERT/CPM Chart + Critical Path (page 117) 10
Total 40
Case Study 2 – Aus CarCare
Aus CarCare is a small auto service business with two branches in Sydney and Brisbane. The business is based on providing routine maintenance at fixed cost to car owners. The business owners have decided to computerize their operations to allow them to better track their business. Data to be gathered for each service includes service ID, service item, service cost, date of service, customer ID, customer first name, customer surname, customer telephone number, street number, street name, street suffix, suburb, state, postcode, vehicle ID, vehicle make, vehicle model, vehicle year. Note that each vehicle has no more than one owner, but an owner might have more than one vehicle. Moreover, each service gets done on one and only one vehicle, and Aus CarCare allocates a unique service id to every service.
Answer Question 3 through 10.
5. Using MS Word or Excel, create an entity relationship diagram from the case study information provided.
6. On your ERD identify the type of relationships using 1:1, 1:M, and M:N format.
7. Convert the ERD into standard notation format. For each entity, include all the attributes. Underline the primary key. If there is any foreign key make it Italic.
8. Using the entity and attribute information, create appropriate tables in MS Access. Then, create a relational diagram between your tables that reflects the relationships you identified in your ERD. Note that your answer to this question should include a print screen of your relational diagram.
9. Using Forms in MS Access create a data entry form for each of your tables.
10. Using realistic data populate each of the 3 tables with 5 records (using MS Access).
Marking Matrix
Item Question Submission Type (examples can be found) Marked out of
Case Study 2 Question 5 Create ERD 10
Question 6 Relationship type 10
Question 7 Standard Notation Format 10
Question 8 Tables and Relational diagram 10
Question 9 Data entry forms 10
Question 10 Realistic data in tables 10
Total 60
Marking Rubrics
Comment Mark Demonstrated Understanding
Excellent 9-10 The student demonstrated an understanding of the concepts, models, diagrams and/or information making connections not only within the given subject area, but also beyond it, able to generalise and transfer the principles and ideas underlying the specific instance.
Good 7-8 The student has demonstrated an understanding of the concepts, models, diagrams and/or information and is able to appreciate the significance of the parts in relation to the whole.
Fair 5-6 The student has provided concepts, models, diagrams and/or information that demonstrate an understanding of these required learning outcomes, but simple missed or incorrectly placed items indicate a lack of understanding of how these items relate to an holistic understanding.
Limited 3-4 The student has identified the components required and has provided models and/or diagrams covered during the course, however has not presented the information as directed throughout the course. There are simple and obvious connections, but their significance is not grasped. This can include omitted or incorrect information provided.
Poor 0-2 The student has identified some but not all components required demonstrating limited understanding of the concepts, models and or diagrams covered during the course. This can include omitted or incorrect information provided.



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