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To complete this assignment you will need to read chapters 1 – 4 and 6 of Damned Lies and Statistics by Joel Best.

Directions for Chapters 1 – 4:

For each chapter, your reaction paper should address at least two of the following elements:

1. In your own words, what was the author trying to accomplish?In your view, was he/she successful? Why or why not?

2. What did you like and dislike about the reading? Why?

3. In your own words, what did you learn from the reading?

4. How does what you’ve read relate to other class readings and/or class discussions?

Directions for Chapter 6:

Please address each of the questions below for this chapter.

1. Reflect over the entire book. What did you like best and what did you like the least?

2. Best offers categories of people regarding their view of statistics in the final chapter. Which category would you fall into and why?

3. Would you recommend that one continue to use Damned Lies and Statistics for other research methods classes? Why or why not? Reaction papers should, ideally, demonstrate active intellectual engagement with the material

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