response to biopsycosocial assesment

History of Medicine (Galen&Hippocratic)
August 10, 2017
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August 10, 2017
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response to biopsycosocial assesment

Topic: response to biopsycosocial assesment

Description: [?]

Preferred language style: English (U.S.)this paper needs to be written off of the same research that another

current order of mine (number 78402305) is written with. Instuctions:

a) Discuss a proposed intervention or therapeutic plan will be helpful

in assisting your client address the presenting problem. Provide

relevant evidence (research) to substantiate why this strategy would

benefit your client.

b)Discuss the different macro systems impacting the client and how the

social worker might intervene at a macro system level. d) Discuss

specific factors such as ethnic, cultural, racial, gender, age and/or

geographical factors that might impact the client-worker relationship

and the client’s ability to relate to the worker and vis-versa. How do

these factors help or hinder the client-worker relationship? e)

Suggest a possible DSM IV diagnosis using all five axes. Be

descriptive (narrative) in explaining your diagnosis for each of the

five DSM diagnostic areas (why this diagnosis as opposed to others).

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