Violence Prevention Program

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Violence Prevention Program

Violence Prevention Program

As the Curriculum Coordinator of a year-round middle school (grades 5 through 9), housed in a large, urban district in the Midwest, you have been asked to lead an initiative to develop a Violence Prevention Program. Due to alarming increases in acts of violence at the middle school level, the district superintendent has mandated that the implementation of this new program begin within one academic year and be piloted for a minimum of three years. You are charged with collaborating with other stakeholders to develop, implement, and assess this plan. You must present the overall plan to the school board in six months. Because of a recent shooting at one nearby middle school, stakeholders are highly emotional, and the media has been very inquisitive.

Answer the following questions seperately.

1.You are to tell us, specifically, the demographics of a midwest middle school. You can either make up the data or actually find an authentic school with authentic populations of students. You need to describe, in detail, the type of middle school it is, the demographics of the student population before moving forward in developing a violence prevention program precisely for this school district based on these facs.Provide an explanation on how you will determine who the stakeholders should be. Include a stakeholder flow chart.

2. Explain how you would design the school violence prevention program and with whom. Include a stakeholder communication plan.

3. Create a school violence prevention professional development plan for teachers. Use a research based-professional development model.

4. Identify and describe instructional strategies focus on school violence prevention. Use a edcuational theory to justify your response.

5. Identify and describe student learning outcomes through the lens of the developed school violence prevention program.

6. Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan for the school violence prevention program.

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