A Rose for Emily Custom Essay

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A Rose for Emily Custom Essay

A Rose for Emily William Faulkner writes a five section story that revolves around the life of Miss Emily Grieson who finds life so unfair. Life becomes harsh for her given the situations that she undergoes and the author’s view is expressed in the topic “A rose for Emily”; this is symbolic of the death and a flower would be a consolation for the suffering she underwent. Also the rose would also mean death since it would be placed at the grave site after her death depicting the major challenges she goes through. This paper discusses the story “a rose for Emily” and gives the author’s point of view and compares it to modern society. Faulkner presents the story about Miss Emily and her situations that faced her in life while living in Jefferson town. The author tells of the sour relations Emily had with her father, the town and her lovers making it very difficult for her to live. It unearths the suffering of an innocent woman in the hands of those she loved and the torture she undergoes due to love.

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