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Evaluating Online Database Storage Services


            There is an explosive augment of data generated worldwide through information digitalization, this calls for demanded evolution of better storage services for this information in databases. The current storage services have a problem of heterogeneity and scalability thus new and better strategies to store data must be formulated (Deng & Wang, 2007). The internet also within the grid incurs problems of limited performance of network and also environments that are unstable hence reducing the performance of these online database services. These problems are creating what referred to us a digital black hole resulting to less accessibility, processing and preservation of data hence ineffectiveness. The augmented data has also tried to be warehoused in many industries and business institutions but the problem of data partitioning, its optimization and maintenance has been a major setback thus calling for renewed and extensive research in the field of warehousing (Wrembel, 2009). The use of online databases is foreseen to be effected by the improvement and enhancement of data warehouse designs, application of legacy grades, using IT outsourcing for specific management of data and also the use of plat forms as services (PaaS) to improve data storage in businesses improving their efficiency to deliver to customers. This paper hypothesis that online databases are not secure for transmitting information and its storage hence should be improved if there should be effectiveness in this field.  As businesses grow and they expand around the world through globalization, the need to access readily available data from remote locations has increased; I will explore how secure are online database storage services when it comes to storing and transmitting data across the internet.

Literature review

            The use of operational databases which spearheads processes of online transactions and also data warehouses that support massive information has increased in the contemporary society and has surpassed the multiple customers requiring such services since many of the customers do not have the capacity to develop their own data centers (Ericson, 2009). These have been measured up to be of use in effective designing and supporting of data system, providing services where customers can raise concerns, creating platforms that are stable and logic so that data storage can be effectively managed. According to Blokdijk and Menken (2009) the use of PaaS and stack services has resulted to cost effective managing of software and hardware used in managing life cycle of delivering and building of webs. These have helped to create a solid foundation for the design and structure of an online database, this has been taken in consideration allowing data warehousing to be simpler and faster. This type of service does not require installation and no downloads are required thus time saving in data management and transmutability. It deals with co-location managing wholesale data use by internet providers to create more data space but does not incorporate conventional web hosting though having content delivery and managed hosting which in most cases are not safeguarded off internet contamination.

Increased data is normally stored in autonomous repositories in many locations online but without a structured order of format making them hard to retrieve. Data that is rightfully owed has also been stolen from the legitimate owners without any credit being given. According to Deng and Wang (2007) data from important archives has been lost since the  tools to  access them are not readily available, this is primarily because the existing data formats have not undergone quality data revolution making interoperability questionable and also the fact that data formats of different software companies are not attuned with those of their competitors. This has resulted to new generations of the same software that can not be used to retrieve data from previous software generations thus data loss; this calls for an increased need to preserve, develop and access the legacy data. The use of grid system that helps to monitor existing environment helping in solving the problem of data authentication centers so that discovery of data can be efficiently monitored ensuring no loss of data originality and transparency.

Data warehouses have also been seen to have a myriad of requirements for the processing of queries at a faster rate so that efficiency is increased through the countering of these problems. According to Furtado (2009) concerns have been raised on the coherence of these data systems demanding their streamlining for efficiency. The distributed operation which is also a common arrangement system for online databases is also of concern due to its scientific and commercial organization which wants requiring improvements (Furtado, 2009). Many large businesses still use IT and web systems which have been seen to be far much expensive and outdated and very unpredictable thus are hard to scale up, this has lead to indebting of data centers due to credit crunching thus an accelerated cost to the customers seeking for these services. It is with these weaknesses that more about host data centers must be invested in since they are secure and effective data managers as according to Ericson (2009).

Building of grid systems that distribute data over a wide distance and from heterogeneous resources has also been a major hiccup for online database services particularly on the issues of legitimacy and transparency. This is foreseen to be countered with the help of data management systems that employ the co-location strategy in the dissemination of information in online databases, implementation of the workflow grid system that aim at countering problems of data warehousing through architecture that is more service oriented though this has proved to be much costly and hard to accommodate thus inflexible. The coding of the source of data is helpful in determining if the data is from remote regions and its aim thus ensuring data transparency and appropriate application of the data on reaching the supposed clients. Lifecycle management and also the service registration are also important concerns that the grid system is intervening to correct though it has significantly affected the performance evaluation of the computers’ memory and speed negatively. According to Wrembel (2009) the modeling and designing of data storage services ensuring it has structural homogeneity and its quality is not interfered with is also quite a problem. This is seen to affect the processes of loading data that involves the transformation and processing of information and also the refreshing of data houses by through updates and frequent monitoring. The indexing and the processing of queries also need proper analytical processes which will ensure that data is well structured and organized incase retrieval is required.


The information showed from literature review shows that there is dire need to address the weaknesses of the current online database systems since they are wanting. It supports the hypothesis that online databases are encountering a problem of insecurity and data clouding.  In terms of security they have been seen to be vulnerable to infringing thus theft or plagiarism of information they contain (Deng and Wang, 2007). This may make them inappropriate in business management due loss of important information such as that containing finances and profiles of customers and personnel. They may also be extremely slow and not efficient to run considering that speedy problem solving and time management is of high demand in contemporary society. This has tried to be improved using the grid architectural system and also the use of platform as a service (Furtado, 2009) which is an SPI model in cases of data clouding and has helped to ensure co-location of data is achieved so that ample space to load new data is availed. Using data ware houses that are service oriented has helped in integrating of information ensuring it is coded in the process of transmitting it to the needy and that throughout the movement transparency is ensured to prevent data theft. This has helped to retrieve archives from remote areas and also those that were saved using older versions of operating systems (Wrembel, 2009). The use of the legal application grid (LAG) architectural systems to organize autonomous data in online databases so that it can be easily accessed and structured has helped to improve the work flow and delivery system of the data. In overall the improvement of co-location, distribution and operation systems has promoted legacy and transparency of online databases in disseminating information. It has also expanded the delivery of secure information to and from remote areas (Ericson, 2009).


In our running of IT systems the situation of our online databases is wanting and is prevalently characterized by inefficient and insecure data warehousing questioning the transparency and legitimacy of such data. The problems of disorganization and poor structuring making data extraction a menace have also been experienced resulting to slow response to queries and continued inefficiency. A big problem of loss of information due to incompatibility of data storage updates compared with those of rival groups is also on the rise. Poor data flow and increased cost of managing databases are also characteristic problems of online databases halting efficient operations in businesses. These problems require to be addressed if the increase in data each day must be addressed effectively.


To solve these problems there is need to incorporate new systems of online database management. This is going to be effected by the use of SPI model that uses soft wares, platforms and infrastructure as services to help in improving co-location so that much data can be accommodated in the system. Embracement of legal application grid to help in the structuring and organization of data at the same time ensuring that its extractability, processing and quality is maintained is highly recommended. This is bound to be of help in ensuring that data legacy and transparency is maintained. Extensive research and experimentation on the best ways to uphold preserve and secure data must be done to ensure the new methods to cope up with accelerated levels of data in contemporary society are formulated. Managed database system use and integration in the maintenance of online databases must also be embraced to ensure the cycle of information is made efficient and durable.

Problem analysis and discussion

The security problem of databases is primarily due to the use of soft wares that are erroneous in the name of reducing the capital that is used in setting up of host websites resulting to accelerated losses (Ericson, 2009). This has resulted to fall down of the business due to credit crunches of such customers amounting to massive losses. The traditional services of online database management are also very cost effective though they do not offer satisfaction in converting data from older version to newer ones. This has thus called for a detailed evaluation of legacy application grid system which has been architecture to solve these problems. The avoiding of clouded data is also a major challenge in contemporary society thus there is a need for incorporating of co-location to accommodate increased data storage demands (Blokdijk & Menken, 2009)  It is also an improved way to solve the problems of increased data and its efficient structuring (Wrembel, 2009). It is also bound to show a lot of flexibility in the databases facilitating ease in data extraction, its processing and ultimately the speed of response to queries which are important aspects of business operations. Distributed operations in managing online data warehouses are also going to effectively enhance organization and structuring of information in those databases improving their accessibility and retrieval (Furtado, 2009). Annotation of data so that clear definition of why and where it is being used and taken once downloaded or uploaded has also increasingly been effected by the coding of information and also monitoring its transfer from the database to the client, applying all these methods will help in ensuring transparency and security of data preventing it from hacking and loss due to database inefficiency. This will help in ensuring that autonomous data repositories only have data that is updated and is structurally organized.


Blokdijk, G., & Menken, I. (2009). Cloud Computing Best Practice Specialist Guide for Storage Management and Platform as a service (PaaS): Understanding and Applying PaaS Solutions. London, United Kingdom: Emereo Pty Ltd.

Deng, Y., & Wang, F. (2007). Opportunities and challenges of storage grid enabled by grid service. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 41(4), 79-82. doi: 10.1145/1278901.1278915

Ericson, J. (2009). Overheard: In Data Centers, The Fruitful Multiply. Information Management (interview with Daniel Golding, Vice President, Tier1 Research, a subsidiary of The 451 Group). 19(7), 18. Retrieved from            Furtado, P. (2009). A Survey of Parallel and Distributed Data Warehouses. International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, 5(2), 57-77. Retrieved March 21, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1648618161).
Wrembel, R. (2009). A Survey of Managing the Evolution of Data Warehouses. International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, 5(2), 24-56. Retrieved March 21, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1648618151).

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