Living in a White Male Privilege Society

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Living in a White Male Privilege Society

Living in a White Male Privilege Society
For this course project you are expected to:

Integrate concepts, theories, and research on culture and ethnicity into an analytical research paper about a specific multicultural group.
Evaluate your own cultural competencies and develop a plan to increase your cultural awareness and improve your professional interactions with culturally diverse groups.

With the instructor’s approval, select and research a multicultural group of which you are not a part.
Based on your findings, write a paper that includes the following components:

The historical and contemporary antecedents of societal discrimination for this population.
Theories of identity formation, issues, and challenges.
Potential problems that result from discrimination and oppression.
A description of how this course and this project have increased your awareness of the selected population, which includes your initial challenges and any additional perceived challenges and opportunities.
Identification of your personal competencies in interacting with selected population.
Action plan showing how you will seek out additional cultural diversity knowledge, exposure, and training, and how you will apply these skills to your professional setting.

Project Objectives

To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:

Critically evaluate theories, methods, and research in cross-cultural awareness related to the selected population.
Analyze the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perceptions, human behavior, and interpersonal relations related to the selected population.
Identify potential problems with which the chosen population has to deal, suggesting possible solutions that could be implemented in a professional setting.
Identify and analyze personal competencies that can be used to improve interaction with selected population in learner’s professional setting.

To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.

Topic: Paper should explore a multicultural group of which you are not a part.
Length of Paper: Paper should be 10-14 pages, including the references, but excluding the title page, table of contents, abstract, and appendices.
Number of References: Paper should include a minimum of 10 references from peer-reviewed journal articles written in the last five years. You may supplement these articles with books as well.
Format: Paper should have a title page, abstract, table of contents, and appendices.
Writing Style: Paper should communicate professionally with writing that is clear, effective, and persuasive about ideas and positions presented in the paper. These ideas and positions must be relevant in the profession and discipline.




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