2 separate parts;Reflective portfolio and Personal Development Plan

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2 separate parts;Reflective portfolio and Personal Development Plan

2 separate parts;Reflective portfolio and Personal Development Plan
3 separate detailed,reflective pieces, assessments of a critical incident,event or action that occurred at work (hospital ward-dialysis) and critical analysis of what happened,why do I think it happened, what action I took and why. Discussion what was good or needed improvement. Reference to transformational theory of leadership to discus. analyse or critique the event, actions and outcomes, and clear reflective framework eg Gibbs,Kolb.
1st incident- medication error, morphine 15 mg given instead 1.5mg to a child on dialysis unit by a nurse ( I was a charge nurse and dealt with incident))
2nd Incident- Doctors tried to discharge elderly (68 yrs) after 48 hrs of IV antibiotics for leg ulcers even though patient could not walk due to immobility in hospital
3rd Incident- open to writer (preferably connection to dialysis or medical ward) (2250 words- around 750 per incident)
PDP- Debate the efficacy of at least one leadership/management model or theory (transformational) and how this might be relevant/applied in other areas of practice in future. It should consider my current leadership style (democratic) and strengths (personal values,assertiveness, good interpersonal skills, adaptable to situations, persistence, cooperation) and what I need to develop going forward along with a plan for how this may be achieved- ( 1000 words)Need aProfessionalWriter to Work on this Paper?

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