Job Market in 10 years in healthcare industry

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Job Market in 10 years in healthcare industry

Job Market in 10 years in healthcare industry

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While the US healthcare system represents around $3 trillion in annual spending and is the largest single sector of the overall economy, it also sits inside larger

“macro trends” that help define the landscape of jobs.

For example, such factors as globalization, the state of the general economy, the frantic pace of innovative handhold and genomic technology (like the iphone 6 and

mapping the human genome project), 78 million Americans all hitting old age (and higher healthcare utilization) at the same time, and radically changing values and

beliefs are all working together to create a larger “context” for new jobs in the healthcare system.

So what difference do all these big changes mean to us?

The answer is both obvious and complicated. I will answer the obvious part and leave the complicated part to you to discuss.

The obvious answer is that these big changes are changing the way we live our lives. Just think that it wasn’t that long ago that classes on the internet like ours

didn’t exist. And now, we just sort of assume, without even thinking about it, that such classes are perfectly normal.

So the obvious part is that such factors as globalization, the economy, technology, the aging of our society, and changing cultural values are all working together to

change pretty well everything that used to be – into something else.

The hard part – and the part you need to think about – is what do all the changes really mean to the careers of healthcare professionals?

If we think that healthcare professionals will continue to do exactly what they are doing now over the next ten years then we are not paying attention to how much the

work world has already changed from the way it was ten years ago ( does anyone remember when you couldn’t text?)


How will healthcare systems evolve to best leverage a global market for their services?

What will a growing share of healthcare dollars mean to the healthcare work force in a stagnant or slow growing general economy?

How will smart phones create new jobs in healthcare?

Will genomic research eliminate certain diseases by modifying a person’s DNA?

How will the massive chronic care needs of a ton of old people create new careers opportunities?

What new jobs may be created to best meet new consumer demands for more patient-focused care? Less institutionalization of the elderly? And better access to culturally

appropriate care givers?

So what do you think? What’s the job market likely to look like for you in ten or so years?

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