hound manuaamms

microeconomics topic
August 3, 2017
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August 3, 2017
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hound manuaamms


4 l)What are the source documents for din-(1 mater-i direct
had cost: assigned to this job? as‘ “hound manuaamms M”
(2)What is. the predererrruned rrunufaeturlng overhead rare!
(3)W11at are the mat cost and the amt can own eompteted fioh? atouna mg mm cm; mfig
nearest cent.)
0!) Preparertreentryuoreaarridrcmnpietlonotdaeloh.
lSO1.3.4.s) £3-15 adercorpcuumnrcuu-curiae At A
can 3. Requtsitimzed raw nutrrials of SM} 000 tn the facmry An zutalvsis M the IT)lCl’l:l5 rcqubiu<,vr‘r
slips indicated that $0.21“) vns r;Lts$1I’tcd as Indttr:(t material.»
5. Incurred factor)‘ labour crust» ul’ 555.900. ul winch S-89,000 prruused to lactury wages pa’yabc
and $4.900 pertained to employer pzyrufl taxes pzryubk

4 Ttme tickets indicated that $48,000 was direct labour and 55.900 was indirect tztbour.

S. Incurred overhead costs ul $80,500 rm account

6. Apptied rnanutactunng cwcrhead at the me of ISOS6 of direct labour cost

7. Completed goods costing 588.000 and transferred them to litushed goods

8. Sold finished goods costing $“.’$.000 to rnanufauure on account For $103,000

jourmlize the trmsaetirms. (Omit entphmtlom.)
‘so 3_ 3_ 4, 5) E346 Garnett Printing Corp. uses a ioborder coat system. The following data summanu 1]):
Prepare entvies for manufacturing op:-tattoos related to the rim quarter”: produuion:
costs. 1. Materials purchased on account were $192,000. and factory wages incur-red were 387.300.
2. Matctills rtqustdoned and factory labour: used by job were as fioflows;
[gb Number Mltaerials Pactgx Labour
A20 3 55.240 318.000
A2! 42.920 22.000
A22 56.100 15.000
A23 59.270 25,000
General factory use 4,470 __1,;g
$158.0!» $87!:00

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