Essay One: Who are you?

LAW 531 Week 2 DQs
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Essay One: Who are you?

Essay One:

Who are you?

As a class we have discussed various interpretations of the term “identity;”now is your chance to explore and convey how you understand the concept. In a 4-6 page essay, stateyour point of view, and explain using examples where your observation is evident.

Is identity deep, spiritual, and internal—something we are born with? Or is identity more tangible, something we simply shift and use to influence or connect with others?

What do you use to define yourself (OR what defines you)? Is it your language? Your social circle? Nationality? Expression though art? Your idol? A sport or hobby? A familial role? Your favorite movie?A musical genre?Rather than trying to write about everything, pick one side of your identity that you want to focus on.

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Prefer not to take a self reflective stroll down existential lane? That’s okay. If you like, it is totally acceptable to choose a character from a book or movie, or even a person you know if this is more comfortable.

For the first essay in this class, I want you to have some freedom. Identity (by definition) is a personal topic, and I’d like this assignment to reflect that spirit of personality—you can really make whatever sort of statement you’d like, so long it is specific and focused.

Other questions to consider if you get stuck (you don’t have to answer all of these though):

–Do we choose identity or is it assigned to us by external forces?

–Is identity fixed or fluid?

–Can identity ever be changed?

–Do we have just one “true” identity, or multiple identities?

Whatever embodiment of identity you break down, remember: I am most interested in WHY your choice makes you who you are.Try to incorporate symbolic meaning into your discussion.Remember, a well developed essay provides a variety of evidence; in addition to your own experiences and observations, utilize what we’ve looked at in class if it helps you explain your stance—break down implied messages of a Facebook profile, discuss the crisis in the episode of “Doug” we watched,show why an eHow guide is not thorough enough to establish an identity.I encourage you to use any outside example you connect with as well.

Due: Tues 9/30

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