The Buying Process

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The Buying Process

Every product or service has a buying process, even digital products and services. In this assignment, you will research and analyze the buying process for an online product or service, with which you (as a consumer) are familiar, from a business point of view.

Begin by researching an online consumer product or service (such as an e-Book from the Kindle store or a movie from the iTunes store). Choose an online product or service with which you are familiar and have purchased in the past.

Next, write a report to evaluate its buying process from the marketer’s point of view using the five stages of the buying decision process.

Remember, the five stages are as follows:

  1. Problem recognition
  2. Search and determination of alternatives
  3. Evaluation of alternatives
  4. Purchase decision
  5. Post-purchase evaluation

Note: Use the grading criteria for this assignment to guide your report. Be sure to include these details within your evaluation to support your ideas.

Write a 6–8-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.

By Wednesday, July 2, 2014, deliver your assignment to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox.

Grading Rubric

This assignment is worth 200 points and will be graded using a rubric. Download and read the rubric to understand the expectations.

LASA 1 Grading Criteria

Assignment Component


Maximum Points

Content Knowledge: Understanding

Communicates an understanding of how to identify the problem and describe differences between current and ideal state, what drives it, and how it can benefit the buyer.

Response incorporates analysis and synthesis of central concepts of the assigned topic.

Response reflects understanding of the nature of the specific topic within the discipline and its applications in contemporary times.

Response provides necessary details and specific examples.


Content Knowledge: Understanding

Communicates an understanding of how to describe the product and explain the internal and external sources.

Response incorporates analysis and synthesis of central concepts of the assigned topic.

Response reflects understanding of the nature of the specific topic within the discipline and its applications in contemporary times.

Response provides necessary details and specific examples.


Content Knowledge: Understanding

Communicates an understanding of how to evaluate the alternatives, defined in terms of consumer needs, product benefits, and/or attributes. Identifies selection criteria.

Response incorporates analysis and synthesis of central concepts of the assigned topic.

Response reflects understanding of the nature of the specific topic within the discipline and its applications in contemporary times.

Response provides necessary details and specific examples.


Content Knowledge: Application Component 1

Communicates the ability to define the purchase decision and identify the high-level factors that interrupt or deter a purchase.

Response demonstrates a working command of the disciplinary content knowledge.

Response examines the specific issue within the context of the topic area using relevant details and examples.

Response analyzes the specific aspect of the issue to applicable areas within the discipline and their relevance to real-world contexts.

Response is adequately supported by current and relevant literature.


Content Knowledge: Application Component 2

Communicates the ability to evaluate post-purchase evaluation.

Response demonstrates a working command of the disciplinary content knowledge.

Response examines the specific issue within the context of the topic area using relevant details and examples.

Response analyzes the specific aspect of the issue to applicable areas within the discipline and their relevance to real-world contexts.

Response is adequately supported by current and relevant literature.


Written Communication/ Personal Effectiveness

Conveys through, written word understanding, and application of academic writing has proper grammar, spelling, and attribution.

Writing is concise and clear in content, language use, grammar, organization, and sentence structure.

Writing is free of major grammatical and usage errors.




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