Health and Social Policy Report

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Health and Social Policy Report

Health and Social Policy Report

Health and Social Policy Report


A number of countries have initially focused on a wide range of issues on nutritional deficiency as well as the related mortality and morbidity in unborn children and others. There has similarly been an increase in the numbers of malnutrition attributed due to obesity and effect of inequitable dietary and life tendencies that is due to chronic ailments like diabetes and cancer. The varied forms of malnutrition are related with majority morbidity, mortality and financial aspects more so in nations where there is over and under nutrition which is seen in most under developed nations.

Diet and nutrition are major aspects in the advancement and maintenance of decent health in one’s life. Their duties as the factors of chronic NCDs are noted and acquire a good level in control measures. The report offers a general focus of the prevailing case in the UAE. The chronic case of consideration is related to diet and nutrition and offers a great public health strain, of focus being diabetes.


The Funded Nursing Care is a scheme where registered nurses finance a care home from what they earn. The nurses undertake a number of care tasks like strategizing, overseeing the operations of the care home and observation of nursing and health operations so as to acquire the desires intended.

Chronic ailment is one of the diseases that acquire nursing care; the disease is a long term condition which can be managed though not cured. It impacts a large part of the society (Mandelstam, 2010). Moreover, the ailment is the highest in terms of the deaths and frailty.

The burden brought about by the ailment is fast growing. It is estimated that in the year 2001, about 60% of 55 million people died around the world and brought about 46% of the burden. This burden is bound to be higher by 2020 reading a high of 57%. About half of the aliment is due to cardiovascular disease; obesity and diabetes hence portraying a tendency that is worrying. This considering the fact that it impacts a big size of the population and appears at a younger stage in life.

The present epidemiological outline of the population health in the United Arab Emirates and the health wants for the nation is described by a burden of disease and poor condition. Studies show that nutrition related diseases are attributed to living unhealthily or poor physical and social settings. Risk instances, a good example being poor nutrition for a long period of time, smoking, lack of exercise, consumption of too much alcohol and stress being a great part of the life matters.

The UAE has approximately 80% of males and 76% of females consuming less fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Lack of exercise spread has hit the 38% mark in the males and 57% in females. Approximately 39% of the male youths and 43% in the females take up over 3 hours sitting. This brings about an integration of the high occurrence that obesity and other illnesses have.

The socio-economic advancement in the UAE with the help of attributes in cultural transformations seen in advanced settings, better sanitation and ultimately a drop in the spread of communicable ailment has brought about high life expectancy, transforming nutritional habits, a drop of physical tendencies and rise of non-communicable ailments as a great factor of poor health in the society.

Source: Statistical News (2007)

This has led to the initiation of a number of steps so as to manage it effectively both globally and in the UAE. The level of awareness of size of burden of the chronic ailment has been initiated and the ability for prevention and management. The commitment by various sectors has been elevated so as react to the burden of chronic ailment (Mandelstam, 2008). Cultural association elevation has been developed so as to bring about and maintain key steps which will the social and environmental determinants of health in a precise time frame and distinct pointers.

Discussion: Obesity in UAE

There is a desire to aim obesity with caution in the UAE, since it has a higher implication case of obesity in the UAE when compared to consumption of alcohol or cigarette smoking. The obese were seen to have a greater chronic ailment and below standard life style when compared to alcohol users, as based on American research (Malik and Bakir, 2006). This outcome has a great implication on the UAE, with obesity being a great health case.

The Ministry of Health undertook research showing that 33% of females who are engaged in civil union in the UAE are above the normal weight while 38% suffered from obesity. On the other hand 40% of the men were above the average weight, however 16% were considered obese. Results show that 20% of the whole population is obese; this is higher when compared to the US.

Over a period of time, there has been an increase in food intake and limited activity. Obesity is a great health condition in the UAE society and has a vital task in elevating the spread of the chronic ailment. Obesity has the possibility of bringing about cases like diabetes and cardiovascular ailment. This is a leading source of death in the UAE.

Policy Options and Implications

Effective strategies ought to be put in place so as to manage the condition and promote a healthy lifestyle. The preventive efforts ought to look at the general population or the section noted to be suffering from the disease. It is hence necessary to apply an extensive method to manage the nutrition-related Chronic Diseases at the local level. The policy option available to FNC is an extensive NCDs prevention and control plan. This is composed of: health services, intervention on the risk aspects, observation and assessment.

Operations in the health services are vital aspects of the NCD plan. Matters in cost-effectiveness are of consideration using the present resources in the health model. Cost-effective treatments for diabetes have a high form of implication and ought to be constantly applied at the local level. Dietary, exercise and cigarette smoking termination programs are to be advanced to the hindrance and control of chronic diseases (Ala’din, 1997). The aim of the health system ought to include, population interventions, prevention at all levels, laying equilibrium in the communicable and non-communicable ailments.

Intervention on the known risk factors would call for a Life Course strategy in consumption and exercise that starts from pregnancy and ends with old age. The prevention health models would be more effective if the policies on taxation, food and planning among others would be applied in public health concern.

The NCD plan aims at unhealthy dieting and lack of exercise. This has a great implication on the position of the population. The method is an integrated method in planning, application and assessment. This method will be composed of a number of methods and operation against a risk in advancement, prevention and care.

Surveillance is vital in the program advancement, application and assessment. The WHO method has been effective in several areas. This is a dynamic instrument that has the ability to offer valid information to be applied and may lead to NCDs deterrence and management strategy (Khatib, 2004). The creation of an associative study to assess the importance of the NCDs intervention will offer a goo base for prevention and control.


Diet is applying a great form of change with foods becoming more refined and processed, fat use is getting high, and the use of processed foods is steadily increasing. The change has brought about an acceleration of the tendencies of NCDs.

This topic is not taking into consideration in a number of policy strategies considering that the level of awareness is quite poor in those making the policies. On the other hand, the NCDs are highly getting burdened in the UAE. It is vital that affordable choices are made to alter these unfavorable tendencies. Diet and exercise has to be considered in health policies so as to manage the NCDs. The FNC would hence benefit when such policies are applied effectively.


Ala’din Alwan (1997). Noncommunicable diseases: a major challenge to public health in the       Region. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal; 3(1):6-16.

  1. Malik and A. Bakir (2006). National Prevalence of Obesity: Prevalence of overweight and obesity among children in the United Arab Emirates Obesity Reviews. 8(1):15-20.
  2. Khatib (2004). Noncommunicable diseases: risk factors and regional strategies for prevention and care. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal; 10(6):778-788.

Mandelstam, M. (2010). Quick Guide to Community Care Practice and Law. London: Jessica         Kingsley Publishers. Mandelstam, M. (2008). Community Care Practice and the Law. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Statistical News (2007). Non Communicable Diseases in Dubai Situational Analysis and     Challenges. Dubai: Statistical Analysis Section Issue 10.

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