Custom Design of Home Automation System

change management and sustainability
August 7, 2017
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August 7, 2017
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Custom Design of Home Automation System

Description: Academic Format: APA (American Psychological Association) Pages: 14 Topic: DESIGN OF NEW HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM (Home Automation system
for Dr. … Villa) ï Project Sponsor: Dr, …(Fanciful Project sponsor name) ï Project Manager: …(student- project management team) ï Information
Technology Supervisor: … (student- project management team) ï Process Team Supervisor: … (student- project management team) ï Contracting
company to carry out home automation system is Shifra Smart Homes, Dubai Internet City, Business Central Towers 1602A P.O.Box: 500566 Tel: 04-
3748260 Dubai, UAE From Shifra smart home: ï Mr., Saleh/ Sales Manager at Shifra ï Mr. Hadi/Technical Manger at Shifra Note: you can contact them for
help or visit their home page. ï§ Please follow the instruction carefully and use this and other document to know about the project we have selected. ï§
Use names and dates we have given in this and other document. Project Instructions Please note this report should be precise and concise. Phase 1
Project Charter Create the project charter (3 to 4 Pages) to include the following elements: Business Case – Clear, concise reasoning for why the project
is being performed (this should not be more than 1-2 paragraphs. Scope Overview – Clear, concise definition of the main activities of the project – Brief
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description of primary deliverable(s) – Clear description of the projectâs objectives – Recognition and brief description of the features that the project will
not cover Milestone Schedule and Acceptance Criteria – Identification of specific factors against which the project can be compared to determine
success/failure – Identification of specific project deliverables – Inclusion of due dates for the deliverables – Clear identification of milestone and milestone
exit points Risks – Identification of potential risk factors that could impact the project – Identification of the project area that the risk could impact –
Description of strategies to manage potential risks Stakeholder List – Identification of the people / groups who are for the project and those who are
against it. – Reasonable concerns of stakeholders. Team Operating Principles (Team here refers to your group students) – Clear statements of how the
team will function (you, as the project management team) – Communication and meeting statements Please (Custom writing) Once the project charter is
completed, it should be submitted to me for approval before you continue to Phase 2. Phase 2 Requirements Documentation: The goals of the project
should be stated and the requirements should be clearly identified. – Business need – Requirements (Functional, non-functional, Quality) – Stakeholders
requirements – Priority level of requirements Project Scope Statement: Developing the project scope statement is vital to your project to avoid scope
creep. The project scope statement should include all of the following elements: – Product scope description – Product acceptance criteria – Project
deliverables – Project exclusions – Project constraints – Project assumptions WBS (Work Breakdown Structure): – Create a WBS for the project, including
work packages and a numbering system for the code of accounts. – Set up a WBS in MS Project in 4 steps – Enter summaries, milestones, and tasks. –
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Create the outline for your WBS. – Insert row number column. – Hide (or show) desired amount of detail. Project Schedule – Create the network diagram.
Enter tasks and milestones, and define task dependencies. – Determine the critical path. Notice it is typical to identify the critical path in bright red. –
Transfer the schedule to a Gantt chart. It is typical to show the critical path in red and non-critical activities in blue. It is also typical to show the amount of
float in a muted color and/or narrow lines. It is helpful to write on the Gantt chart the start and finish times of each activity. – After completing the
scheduling processes, identify the critical path. This can be done by using software such as MS Project. – Apply Leads and Lags to your Gantt chart. –
Apply resource leveling when faced with resource over-allocation problem. – Schedule compression: schedule compression shortens the project schedule
without changing the project scope. Demonstrate one technique to compress your overall duration of your project using either âCrashing: or âFast
trackingâ technique. – Notice: show the project schedule on a Gant Chart. – Set the project schedule baseline using MS Project software. Project Budget –
Estimate Activity Cost Process: Mention the basis of estimate and include at least the following: o A brief (one paragraph) discussion of how the estimate
was developed. o A brief (one paragraph) discussion of the assumptions made about the estimates and cost constraints. – Cost Performance Baseline –
Add the cost of WBS elements by time periods also known as time-phased budget. Risk Management Plan – Define project risks: – Identify four of the
projectâs risks. – Develop risk response plan – Chose a strategy for risk response plan (avoid, transfer, mitigate, accept) for one of the identified risks. –
Plan risk response based on the strategy you have selected. Project Performance Measurements The project performance is measured by the comparison
between the actual project progress and the project plan. Perform a variance analysis for cost and schedule. Use the execution phase of your project
plan; conduct the variance analysis to calculate both cost and schedule at the end of the phase. Add actual costs and schedules that are different from
your estimation. Answer the following questions: ⢠How many days is the project behind/ahead of the schedule? (SV) ⢠How much is the project
over/under budget? (CV)
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