Violence- Nature or Nature

Accounting Problems Set of 11 Questions
August 7, 2017
What constitutes a framework for the purpose of the assignment? Here are some possibilities:
August 7, 2017
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Violence- Nature or Nature

Please read the essay and Strategies carefully inside the documents:

* It doesn’t have any introduction, so I need two paragraph as introductions.
*Those Introduction are the strategies that one of them Begin with a quotation from outsource and cite them in the reference and others one Begin with a question or several questions about the essay that will be answered in the body paragraph.

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1- The reference must be APA Style.
2- Five different references from websites, for both Introduction strategies.
3- In Introductions should be at least one page for each introduction.
4- Title: Violence- Nature or Nature?
5- Three Pages including references.

* Introduction Paragraph must include:
1- Topic sentence with Hook to grab readers’ attention.
2- General Statements (style developments, I mean the two Strategies)
3- Thesis Statements One of strategies with Predict other one without it.

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