
Topic: De Bellis
August 7, 2017
Abstract Revision
August 7, 2017
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Paper instructions:
(Must be 1500 words)  Bioprospecting is the 21st century equivalent of gold mining and an exciting part of the biotechnology industry; define bioprospecting and briefly list some key

products discovered from bioprospecting.  Taq polymerase is an example of a commercial product discovered by bioprospecting;  describe the origin of taq polymerase, how it was

commercialized (purified and optimised); why was Taq such a key discovery?.  Find an article published in the last year describing a novel product discovered by bioprospecting/biotechnology,

describe the product and how the scientific method has been applied to develop and/or commercialize it.  Describe the hypothesis of the study; identify the independent and dependent

variables and some important controls (starting ref Biology, Concepts and Applications: Starr, Evers and Starr, Chapter 15 and links in the Webliography)


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