In the Preface to Origins of Totalitarianism, Arendt claims “human dignity needs a new guarantee which can
be found only in a new political principle, in a new law on earth” (OT ix/xxvii). Why does human dignity need
a new guarantee? And do you think
This is an essay based on Arendt’s Origins of Totalitarianism, therefore must refer back to the text content
in order to answer the question. Therefore the number of sources are optional. The reading I have already
attached, and there is another file as well, which may provide some useful ideas. However, must avoid
note on referencing: in-text page referencing is sufficient for using the version that I have attached (for
example: Arendt OT, p. 20, or Tocqueville DA, p. 200). If you cite works that we have not read together, or
if you are using a different edition of the assigned texts, you must provide a bibliography.