Is Henri Fayol’s management theory relevant today?”

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Is Henri Fayol’s management theory relevant today?”

Assessment (Essay, 2000 words, 30%) is an individual essay. The assignment requires you to use to build an argument that answers the question “Is Henri Fayol’s management theory relevant

Your argument should be presented as an essay. You may however make use of headings to highlight sections of your work
Your essay should:
Define the topic: outline what the report is about and how it will be structured i.e. what aspects are you focusing on and why.
1. Specify your point of view: Answer the question “Is Henri Fayol’s management theory relevant today?”Today’s world is highly complex with ever changing technology, increasing threats

regarding climate change, medicine, global security, diversity in the workplace are amongst many of the issues that challenge managers both on a daily basis and longer term. Henri Fayol

developed his theories during the early days of industrialisation. Are they still relevent to inform management thinking in todays highly complex and ever changing world? Your point of view

should be informed by Henri Fayol’s management theory and how they have influenced the development of management thinking. The next step in developing your view is to really ground

yourself in all the issues that exist in our world today and critically examine whether Henri Fayol’s theories still have relevancy today.
2. Present an argument to support your position: Integrate the key argument points from the literature reviewed and communicate your point of view. Link each section to the next so that

there is a constant logical flow throughout the essay.
3. Conclusion: provide an overview of your key findings and then bring your argument to a conclusion.
4. Reference List: 8 quality journal articles or more in HARVARD REFERENCING FORMAT. ALPHABETICAL. 12 journal articles would be more supportive of your essay and more likely to achieve a D

grade or higher. Use quality journal articles. The use of Wiki articles and non-peer reviewed articles are not permitted. The majority of website information is not knowledge from a verifiable

source. The use of management materials from known governmental sites is permitted. Remember that most corporate information posted on the website has bias in the sense that there is a

commercial interest.
Principally, a good journal article has been reviewed by other scholars in the field who bear testimony that the knowledge presented is valid and robust. They do not know who wrote the article,

as this information is removed by the journal when they provide the article to the reviewer. By this manner, we can be confident that the knowledge is unbiased, has been given the thumbs up by

people who really know the field and therefore the information can be trusted.

What is a good journal article, what does a good article look like?
A good journal article will have a well established abstract that presents the research question, the way the research was done, what was known in the field and what the article brings to the

world in terms of new knowledge.
The literature review will be rich in the literature known to the field and a strong methodological section will inform the reader how the researchers went about collecting information and data

so that they could explore, or explain, the field under investigation in more depth.
Using Journal Articles:
For this essay, you can extract quite alot of information from the abstract, literature review, discussion and conclusion. You may find the detail in the methodology and sometimes the

discussion, to difficult to comprehend at this stage of your education. Nevertheless you can always draw something from a journal article. So even the most complex journal articles can present

easily understood abstracts and conclusions. The idea is to reflect on what one, or several articles, say and compare and contrast with other articles, the textbook and what you learn in the

lectures and tutorial class.

Essay Structure:
You MUST structure your essay by conventional format. Typically the essay may take the following structure but you are free to develop you own approach:
Introduction (150 words), History of Henri Fayol (250 words), Henry Fayols Theories (450 words), Development of Management Theory (250 words), Management Challenges of the 21st Century

(400 words), Addressing the Essay Question (300 words), Conclusion (200 words).
Essay Writing:
You can use the unit textbook (pp 485-490) and the accompanying unit textbook Summers and Smith to learn more about essay writing and referencing. If you have any further questions ask

your tutor. In Week 3 we will be having a lecture with the publisher Wiley. They will go through a program called Wiley AssignMentor. This software program is useful to structure and coordinate

your essay, check your spelling and referencing style.
The following journal articles will help you critique Fayol’s management theory:

KEY ARTICLE: Evans, Haden, Clayton, and Novicevic (2013) ‘History-of-management-thought about social responsibility’ Journal of Management History, 19, 1, pp. 8-32.

Pages 1-11 and 22-27 are especially useful for the essay. Pages 12-21 demonstrate the role of the stakeholder environment to the organization and the issues that the organisation may need to

address to be identified as legitimate to the organisations survival. You may wish to consider this line of reasoning in your argument. Be selective and choose from the article knowledge that

supports your arguments in the report.
Heames, JT & Breland, JW 2010, ‘Management pioneer contributors: 30-year review’, Journal of Management History, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 427-436.

Parker, LD & Ritson, PA 2005, ‘Revisiting Fayol: Anticipating Contemporary Management’, British Journal of Management, vol. 16, pp. 175-194.

Parker LD & Ritson, P 2005, ‘Fads, stereotypes and management gurus: Fayol and Follett today’, Management Decision, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 1335-1357.

Rodrigues, CA, 2001, ‘Fayol’s 14 principles of management then and now: a framework for managing today’s organizations effectively’, Management Decision, vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 880-889.

Wren, DA 2001, ‘Henri Fayol as strategist: a nineteenth century corporate turnaround’, Management Decision, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 475-487.

Wren, DA, Bedelan, AG & Breeze JD, 2002, ‘The foundations of Henri Fayol’s administrative theory’, Management Decision, vol. 40, no. 9, pp.906-918.

You will be able to secure high marks if you are able to demonstrate that you can present a persuasive argument which meets the assessment criteria and is adequately researched, constructed

and referenced back to the academic articles provided. USE HARVARD REFERENCING SYSTEM.
Do not copy word for word from the text – paraphrase and reference correctly, otherwise you are plaigarising (see section i in your unit outline). Copying long pieces of information shows

limited understanding and poor academic skill and will receive minimum marks.
Reports should be edited to achieve consistency in grammar, style and flow of argument. Guidance on how to write good reports can be found in Summers & Smith 2011 and elsewhere on

this website.

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