Paper details Write a critical analysis paper specifically on chapter 3 in the book “Freedom On My Mind” A History of African Americans by Deborah Gray White, Mia Bay, Waldo E. The criteria for the critical analysis paper is TITLE: what does it mean, what will the work be about AUTHOR: who is he? Race, sex, ethnicity, politics , religion, class status.. authors credentials, educational background, past writings, is this arrival in his area of expertise. CHRONOLOGY: when was this article published… copywrite dates, date of last revision, Web pages etc. NATURE IF SOURCE: primary source, secondary source, original source, oral, written, artifact etc.. MAJOR THESIS: what is the main point the author is trying to communicate SECONDARY THESIS: next important point the author is trying to communicate SUPPORTIVE ARGUMENT:what categories of evidence does the author use to support his major and secondary Thesis.supportive evidence must be from from the 8 major social sciences anthropology archeology geography sociology government economics and psychology AUDIENCE: to whom is the work addressed… Is it aimed at a specialized or generalized audience MOTIVATION: what motivated this author to do this piece of work. INTENT:what did the author want to accomplish by producing the piece of work METHODOLOGY: what methods did the author use to construct his analysis/ agruments? Cause/effects, compare/contrast, historical time line etc.. CONTENT ANALYSIS: did the author provide documentation to support his point of view? Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda. SCHOOL OF THOUGHT: is the author associated with an institution or organization? What are the basic values or goals of the institution/ organization? PERSONAL CONCLUSION. |