Watch the movies “sweeney todd” Prepare a Crime Scene Report of ?Sweeney Todd.? You arrive at Fleet Street in London at the end of Act II. There are bodies everywhere.
For this project, documenting the crime scene involves two methods. These methods consist of written notes and a diagram or sketch. Consistency between each of these functions is paramount.
Your report should tell a descriptive story. A general description of the crime scene should be given just as the investigator sees it when he/she does the initial walk through of the scene. Your report should include no opinions or final conclusions. Just the facts. A crime scene investigator should document what he/she sees, not what he/she thinks.
Make sure your report includes the following:
1.) A total body count
2.) A list of victims and how they died
3.) A list of Evidence. (What evidence needs to be collected? Weapons? Marks on body? Signs of struggle)
4.) A list of remaining witnesses to question.
5.) Draw a sketch of the crime scene and label each body, explaining how they died. It can be a rough, freehand sketch drawn on a blank piece of paper or in your notebook. You should include in the sketch things like the location of all doors, furniture, the victim and anything else you feel it is necessary to document.
It should reflect critical use of relevant materials, and demonstrate effective and formal writing requirements. Include a bibliography and footnote accordingly. If you are unsure of how to correctly prepare footnotes and/or bibliography, click on the “APA Style Guide” folder at the bottom of this page.
If you don’t have the libretto, you can find it online at:
Sweeney Todd libretto (online):