Use the Internet to locate a company in the hospitality industry that is in a different business from the one selected for your

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Use the Internet to locate a company in the hospitality industry that is in a different business from the one selected for your

Evaluate Marketing and Promotional Mix

Use the Internet to locate a company in the hospitality industry that is in a different business from the one selected for your course project (choice any restaurant business except – fast foods and mobile food trucks).  Study the company’s promotional mix and prepare a report of at least 500 words on its evaluation techniques: In this report, include answers to the following questions:

What are the company’s products or services? At what place(s) does it operate? What are its pricing strategy and promotional mix?
In the past 2 years, what key promotional and marketing strategies has the company used?
What evaluation methods has the company used to study the effectiveness of the promotional and marketing mix?
Based on this evaluation, how have the promotional mix or marketing mix changed?
How have the strategy changes affected the company’s revenues and profitability?
Have the strategies been appropriate to the company’s goals and objectives?
How, if at all, do you think the company should change its promotional or marketing mix? Give reasons.
Provide an appropriate title to your report. Submit your report, formatted in the current MLA style, to the appropriate Discussion Area. Read the reports submitted by at least two of your peers and comment on them. Use your experience and knowledge to challenge or enhance their opinions. Provide references in the form of citations where necessary.

You may apply key learnings from the readings to your selected company in the course project.

Grading Criteria

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Maximum Points
Identified the company’s product or service, place of operation, pricing strategy, and promotional mix
Described key promotional and marketing strategies used by the company in the past 2 years
Described evaluation methods used by the company to study effectiveness of promotional and marketing mix
Described how the promotional or marketing mix has changed based on the evaluation
Summarized how the changed strategy has affected the company’s revenues and profitability
Evaluated if the strategies have been appropriate to the company’s goals and objectives
Proposed changes to marketing or promotional mix, with rationale
Participated in the discussion by asking questions, providing statements of clarification, providing points of view with rationale, challenging points of discussion, or making relationships between one and more points of the discussion
Justified ideas and responses using adequate examples and references in the form of citations
Adhered to defined word limit and followed MLA guidelines for writing style, spelling, grammar, and citation of sources

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