Air Pollution and Health

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Air Pollution and Health

Air Pollution and Health

Use the EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) map tool, EPA’s MyEnvironment tool and PubMed to

determine the answers to the following questions.
Your answers should be numbered and you do not need to write an essay to accompany your answers

for this assignment.
Link to TRI Map Tool:
Link to EPA Myenvironment:
Link to PubMed:
1.    How many pounds of lead were released by Virginia in 2012?
2.    Provide a screenshot of the map you created to determine this information.
3.    Which US state released the most Hazardous Air Pollutants (in pounds) in 2012 for all industries

including on-site disposal and other releases? How many pounds were released?
4.    Include a screenshot of the map you created to determine this information.
5.    Which US state released the least Hazardous Air Pollutants (in pounds) in 2012 for all industries

including on-site disposal and other releases? How many pounds were released?
6.    Include a screenshot of the map you created to determine this information.
7.    Using EPA’s My Environment tool, determine how many sites report air releases to EPA’s Toxic

Release Inventory in your zip code (if you are not in the US, select any US zip code that interests you).

Note, you will need to click on the “my air” link and use the interactive map to find the TRI sites. How

many sites report TRI releases?
8.    Provide a screenshot of the map you created to determine this information.
9.    According to EPA’s My Environment tool, which is the main AQI pollutant in the month of June?
10.    What health effects are associated with this pollutant?
11.    PubMed is a search tool to find research articles on health. It is run by the National Library of

Medicine. Medical research articles are indexed under PubMed and can be searched for using this tool.

Using PubMed, conduct a search to find a research article on health effects (pick a specific health effect,

e.g., asthma, bronchitis, myocardial infarction, mortality, pneumonia) from indoor air pollution. List the

search terms you used. How many research articles did you find with your search?
12.    Determine a country where leaded gasoline is still used (using any internet search tool or

other resources of your choice).
13.    Using PubMed, determine how many research articles have been published on health effects

related to leaded gasoline exposure in children in that country. List the search terms you used and how

many articles you found.

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