Paper instructions:
In the attachement there are five questions for the chapter “tort law in cyberspace” for the book of “cyberlaw” for the writer brian craig please contact me if you need more info
1_ ]ghn,an at-will employee, works as a custodian at-a pri- any, {jfiuld ].31-m Pfltenfiam, file? whfl are the pfltenfial
sate high S’-3hflU1- After ‘«”~'{Jf1< D116 file)”. John visits an defendants? What would be John’s damages in a civil
exotic dance club. At the dance club, John’s photograph tort actign?
is taken where he is sitting nest to the star of a prime- 2. Troy Vargas, president and CEO of Acme Corp. (a ficti-
time television show. In the photograp]*1, both john and tious company), sends a company-wide e-mail to all
the celebrity appear intosica ted at the dance club with a employees that he has fired Jane Anderson, a senior vice
female dancer. The plrtitopgrapher sells the photogralgih president. In the e-mail, Troy Vargas discloses that Iane
to a celebrity tabloid website, and the photo is posted is a lesbian. Anderson files a civil action against Vargas
on the Internet. The principal of the high school where and Acme Corp. What tort actions, if any, could Ian
John works sees the photograph of John on the celebrity potentially file? What damages would jane be able to
tabloicl website and then fires john for eiol.ating the reccwer? See Bsrquea a. Robert C. Ozer, P.C., 923 P.2d 166
school’s personal conduct policy. John finds another (Colo. Ct. App. 199.?) (employer disclosed to other
custodian job two months later. Wliat tort actions, if employees that plaintiff was homosexual).