Describe the psychosocial pathways that lead to developing obesity

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Describe the psychosocial pathways that lead to developing obesity

A final paper 2,500 words in length will be required.

Describe the psychosocial pathways that lead to developing obesity. Include

genetic predispositions, pre and post natal environments, as well as the influence of stress, childhood traumas and personality factors. Also consider class, social and economic contexts, as well as the use of the media and advertising. Take into account behavioural patterns and explore the ways these get developed and set. Finally, describe effective interventions, both as they have been documented, and also your own proposals. Consider resistance factors, and address how those can be attended to.

Use APA format, with properly cited and referenced works. Submit as a word processor document, with font between 10-12 pt, and spacing 1.5. Ensure pages are numbered, and your name is in the header or footer.

Keep in mind that an effective academic essay balances theory, evidence and opinion, exploring the topic with reference to the literature as well as examples, and perspectives of the student

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