Bonus points (up to 2 per week) are awarded for each insightful question or comment during class discussions. Insight is demonstrated when applying theoretical models or empirical evidence to enlighten understanding of an issue or to critically evaluate claims or supporting arguments in a text or conversation.
You may submit an insightful statement or question (as defined above) related to the readings or discussion from each week. This may be done during the week of discussion or up to time of Tuesday’s class in the next week. The format to be used for Class Discussion Insights is provided below. Refer to the Introduction to Academic Arguments paper provided in the Resources section of Oncourse for definition and examples of claims/subclaims, grounding, warrants, backing, or reservations and the four basic categories of claims (also applies to subclaims and warrants).
Summary of claim, subclaim, or warrant made in a class reading or discussion (i.e., statement by another classmate or the professor).
Category of claim, subclaim, or warrant
Grounding or backing (singular or multiple) which you found to support, suggest reservations, or outright refute the claim, subclaim, or warrant.
Citation on which the above grounding or backing was based.
Click here for more on this paper…….