What will happen to traditional books and why
August 3, 2017
Part of the goal of this module is to give you “new eyes” with which to view the world around you. With this in mind, record and discuss any aspects of gendered language that you encounter in your daily lives during the semester —for example, conversations you have participated in, discussion in the media, examples found during your daily reading, TV watching. a sexist advert. etc. — which you think worthy of comment.
August 3, 2017
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The referral assignment
Write a 3000 word report, which applies relationship marketing theory to address a problem, opportunity or other issue in an organisation of your choice. This may be a reworking of your

original submission, or a completely new piece of work.  You must also submit a reflective statement of not more that 500 words, saying how you have responded to the marker’s feedback on

your original submission.
Items for Submission
There are two items for submission:
1.    A 500 word reflective statement that accounts for 10% of the marks in this module.
2.    A 3000 word report that accounts for 90% of the marks in this module.

For students who did not previously submit an assignment, the report will account for 100% of the marks in this module.

Areas to be covered in the reflective statement
The reflective statement should identify the key points of feedback given by the marker of the original assignment, and identify how the assignment has been changed to address this feedback.

Where a completely new company or relationship issue has been chosen, the statement should explain the rationale for this decision.
Assessment criteria for the reflective statement
The reflective statements will be assessed on the extent to which they show the ability to:
1.    Analyse the feedback given by the marker of the original submission
2.    Critically evaluate the original submission in the light of this feedback
3.    Identify the changes that have been made to the original assignment
4.    Explain how these changes relate to the feedback given by the marker of the original submission
Areas to be covered in final reports
Each individual report is likely be very different, reflecting the potential variety of topics considered and the parts of the literature which are most relevant to understanding and improving

your organisation.  This makes it difficult to specify particular headings for the reports in advance.  However, each assignment is likely to adopt a process of problem identification, analysis and

diagnosis, culminating in a set of recommendations for improving the situation.
Consequently, it is suggested that most students cover the following elements in their reports:
•    Description of the organisation and important contextual information
•    Identification of the customer relationship management issue and a justification of its importance
•    A literature review outlining the theoretical approach to defining and addressing the management issue
•    Recommendations
Assessment Criteria
1.    Clearly identify one or more issues of importance to the organisation in its customer relationship management and justify its importance.
2.    Demonstrate use of relevant module concepts in the analysis and diagnosis of the situation and in deriving plans for the organisation.
The measure of this will be your clear and widespread reference to published sources.  Sources that are most relevant and credible will lend greatest weight to argument. Credibility is most

readily demonstrated by the use of peer-reviewed sources such as academic journal articles.
3.    Analyse the issue(s) using relationship marketing theory, so that the organisation’s understanding of it/them is enhanced.  This will provide a clear indication of your intellectual

abilities, notably your ability to analyse a situation, critically evaluate sources of information, and come to justifiable conclusions.
4.    Produce clear recommendations for the organisation in how to deal with the relationship management issue based upon the treatment.  Recommendations should be clearly derived

from the treatment you’ve made.  Where there are resource implications of the recommendations or specific activities that need to be undertaken as part of them, you should consider these as

5.    Present an integrated, structured, well-written and grammatically correct report.  This is about being more than just cosmetically pleasing.  Your report should clearly show the

progression of the thought throughout and ensure that arguments are internally consistent.  The integration of tasks will be evident in the extent to which the research activity is appropriate

for the strategic issues, and the conclusions and recommendations derive from the treatment — essentially how well it all hangs together.

Customer Relationship Management
Student Number:
Mark: 44

Clearly identifies an issue of importance to the organisation in its strategic customer relationship management & justifies its importance.
Outright Fail
< 45%    Marginal Fail 45% – 50%    Pass
50% – 59%    Merit
60% – 69%    Distinction
70% – 79%    Outstanding
> 80%

Critically reviews the academic literature relating to this management issue, identifying theory and practice and explaining their relevance to the issue.
Outright Fail
< 45%    Marginal Fail 45% – 50%    Pass
50% – 59%    Merit
60% – 69%    Distinction
70% – 79%    Outstanding
> 80%

Clearly develops the issue(s) such that the organisation’s understanding of it/them is enhanced, demonstrating strong intellectual abilities.
Outright Fail
< 45%    Marginal Fail 45% – 50%    Pass
50% – 59%    Merit
60% – 69%    Distinction
70% – 79%    Outstanding
> 80%

Clearly presents strategic recommendations for the organisation based upon the treatment, including implications for resources and specific activities.
Outright Fail
< 45%    Marginal Fail 45% – 50%    Pass
50% – 59%    Merit
60% – 69%    Distinction
70% – 79%    Outstanding
> 80%

1.    Presents a structured, well-written and grammatically correct report.
Outright Fail
< 45%    Marginal Fail 45% – 50%    Pass
50% – 59%    Merit
60% – 69%    Distinction
70% – 79%    Outstanding
> 80%

Overall comments:You write an interesting literature review, but you don’t focus on one specific area of relationship marketing theory in sufficient depth to develop meaningful

recommendations. You also spend a lot of time on the 7ps, which is a model that has limited relevance to relationship marketing theory. My advice would be to start with your first

recommendation, defining the company’s issue as an internal marketing one. You could the look at internal marketing theories to identify tools and techniques that could used to develop a set

of much more detailed recommendations on HOW the company could improve the productivity and attitude of staff. I’d also recommend that you talk to Tom Bowden-Green or I before you

attempt the referral assignment.

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