Describe to a Business person the multiplicity of a relationship between two classes.

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Describe to a Business person the multiplicity of a relationship between two classes.


  1. Describe to a Business person the multiplicity of a relationship between two classes.

Multiplicity describes the variety of figures of products that are used to define an object with some choices. For instance the business production, the number of goods created.


The diagram shows

  1. Why are assumptions important to a structural model?

Assumptions are vital as they are able to bring about comprehension of the model. They moreover are able to make sure that the model is displayed in the best manner hence making it possible for a person to see the figures and comprehend what is taking place (Petter et al 2008, 236–263). Additionally, it has the ability to show if the assumptions are shown in the model.

  1. What is an association class?

An association class is a connection that exists between an association and a class. It brings forth the idea that two objects are connected as one. It is beneficial in that it is a great way of trimming things, for instance, the association that exists between a subject and topic and students and university.

This brings forth the idea of an association. The identifications of every topic is acquired and known through the subject and the course being taken. The absence of the associate classes the identifications will not be known. The same rule is used when we speak of a student in a university without knowing this information it will be hard to know this information in terms of what course they take. The assumption made is that the student is a component of the university and hence is connected to what takes place in the university. The use of the student as an association of the university is made with the idea that the university is a composition that the students are in and what connects them is the learning that takes place.

1         is in       1..*

  1. Contrast between the following set of terms: object, class, method, attribute, super class, subclass, concrete class, abstract class


Object: (it connects precise things to their part) an object is something that one is able to acquire, one is able to direct it with varied messages and it will respond (Doll, and Torkzadeh 1998, 175). How it behaves relies on the present inner condition of the object that may vary for instance as a composition of the objects respond to getting the message. (An object is an aspect of things which sharp boundaries and meaning for use). An object is composed of; A state, tendency, and identity.

Class: every object is instance of a certain class, class description of objects with the same features, processes, techniques, connections and semantics.

The main objective of a class is to state the collection of methods, processes and features that completely define the model and tendency of objects.

Method/ process/ messages: classes are composed of processes that one invokes from sets of other classes. It displays what takes place to the precise time or the manner that it is bound to take place.











Computation of Tax

Computation of Total

Computation of Tax

Computation of Total

This is an instance of the class order the process is composed of aspects like computation of revenue, totals among others. The diagram offers attributes of the Design and Analysis as well as the processes. The diagram applies the idea that the attributes constitute the process making up the class. The attributes used were basically aspects of an account.


Attribute: defines the information that is composed in an object of the class. They are composed in the Centre section of a class.


Superclass: (inheritance) the tendency of a class to acquire the operability of a superclass and then include a new process by itself. The superclass has the most of the features that can be applied in the subclass. The ID, Name and Balance are the main aspects for the main class to be used, no one can access the account for withdrawal or save without having the ID, name and balance. The subclass process cannot operate without the superclass aspects.




Concrete class: the classes applied to bring about examples are called concrete classes and they are examples and contain data.


Abstract class: they are called placeholders to keep data which is seen in the sub. It keeps data at the highest point and is the ability in oo model.

An instance is provided below


Here the Position is an abstract class that offers the connection that User desires to apply. ConcretePositionA and ConcretePositionB are concrete applications of the Position. PositionBAdaptee is a pre-existing concrete class that offers some or the whole of the operability offered by the ConcretePositionB, though it does not offer the connection that the User requires. ConcretePositionB, we are able to bring about an example of PositionBAdaptee in ConcretePositionB, we able to bring about an example of PositionBAdaptee in ConcretePositionB, and the equating of the conditions and tendencies of the prior in the application of the latter that offers the needed connection to the User

  1. Draw the relationships that are described by the following business rules. Include the multiplicities for each relationship.


The diagram shows the varied relationships between varied aspects. There diagram employs the idea where a single aspects serves a variety while others are equal in relationships. A doctor serves several patients; a phone extension serves one employee, a movie theatre is host to a number of movies and a movie is composed of several stars. Assumption made is that the aspects are shared on a one to one or on a one to many basis. The relationships are guided by business rules.


  1. Give two examples of aggregation, generalizations, and association relationships. How is each type of association depicted on class diagram?

Aggregation: An aggregation is a unique form of association in with objects that are combined or configures jointly to bring about a more complicated object. An aggregation defines a group of objects and the manner that one interacts. Aggregation safeguards the integrity of combination of objects by describing a single point of management, called the aggregate, in an object that shows the assembly. Aggregation similarly applies the management object to choose the manner the assembled objects react to changes or guidelines that may impact the acquisition.

For instance a subject is comprised of a number of topics.

This instance of aggregation employs the idea that the topics form a complicated object which is the subject or the heart forms the human. The point of management is that the topics are a composition of the subject while the heart is for the human. The assumption made is that the subject or human cannot function without the topics or heart.


Composition: Composition is a form if association that is the same as aggregation only that the place where the composite object has the only duty for the disposition of the component sections. The connections that exists in the composite and the component is a rigid one it “has a” connection, since the composite object acquires possession of the component (Choe 1996, 220). This therefore states that the composite is charged with the formation and removal of the parts. An object might just be a section of the composite, or the reference and duty of the component section which has to be passed to another object. Composite includes force coverage, as its sections normally are part of the composite object.

A composition connection arises as a rigid line with diamond on the association end, while it is interfaced to the overall or composite, classifier. The diagram below shows the timetable is a composition of the student which shows a relation that the timetable covers the student. Assumption made is that the timetable can not function without the students hence the force coverage.

Student 1 Timetable1       **


When one generalises, one starts with a subclass and advanced a superclass. When one is keen they tend to begin with superclass and advance a subclass.

As shown in the diagrams below, the generalisation connection is shown in the diagram editor as a rigid line with passage through it that is directed from the child structure to the parent one. The house is a general aspect that is composed of an occupant or occupants while the Sony and Samsung phones are part of the general family of the mobile phone. The assumption made is that the occupants or mobile phones are part of the general aspect which is the house or occupant (s).

A single house with 1 occupant                     A single house with 2 occupants


Association: An association is a connection of two classifiers like classes or use case which defines the cause for the connection and the policies that guide the connection.

An association shows the structural connection which interfaces the classifiers. For instance the features, associations state the aspects of classifiers (Burton and Straub 2006, 223). Like in the connection that is there between the classes, one is able to apply the associations to display the design choices that are formed of the classes in the application which is composed of data and displays the classes that have to be distributed (Thong et al 1994, 220). One is able to apply the association’s mobility aspect to bring about the manner the object of a class acquires availability to an object of some other class or reflective connection to an object of a class.

The name of the association defines the form of connection between the classifiers and ought to be a verb or phrase. An association is shown on the bold line in the classifiers.

Associations in UML are able to be applied in a number of methods: Multiplicity, Aggregation, and Generalisation/Composition.

  1. Draw a use-­? case diagram and a set of activity diagrams for an online university registration system.

The system ought to make it possible for the staff of every department to assess the courses there by the varied departments, include and eliminate the courses and alter the data regarding them.

It ought to allow the students to assess the accessible courses, include and remove courses that are in the timetables and asses the courses that they are in (Myers et al 1997, 18).

The department staff ought to have the ability to print a number of reports regarding the courses and the students that are in them.

The system ought to make sure that the students do not take a big portion of the courses and that the students that have no fees are not allowed to register. (Assumption is that the registration office can access the finance records and not alter anything).

Use Case Diagram

Figure for Student Adding Course

The diagram shows the registration process by the student in a use case diagram. The student is able to see the registration status, course status, and register, while the registrar is able to review the process. The assumption made is that only the registrar can review the registration.


Activity Diagram

The figure shows the process by the student and the registrar in the registration process. The student cannot access his or her details without the registrar taking part. The student has to log in and follow a set of procedure to register then when done they log out. The system is restrictive on the person log in and number of courses registered. The assumption made is that the student cannot access the registrar database or alter anything in it.

  1. Create a set of detail use case descriptions for the online university registration system.

Scenario-View courses available

Task Sequence

  1. Enter log in information, name and Password
  2. Find the course subject
  3. Select course and look if it is present.
  4. Find if the needs are met
  5. Include the course
  6. Look and assess the courses enrolled for.


  1. If a student has not ID or password they system resets or creates a new user account.
  2. If there lacks accessibility select other course or inquire to be included in the waiting list.

Pre-Condition: registration, genuine student, fees reading, number of courses are not excess (Rai et al 2002, 59).

Post-Condition: seen courses that are present and have include or removed them.

  1. ATMs-­There are numerous examples of UML models of ATMs available on the internet. Find examples of these-­? including structural and behavioral aspects-­? and bring them along to next week’s session. Be prepared to explain how they were developed, any assumptions made, and how they inter-­?relate.

UML diagrams are advanced to assist help the creators and users to comprehend what is needed of the model and the manner it is to be created. It is like a planning and going according to the needs so as to get the system advanced in the best manner (Mcgill et al 2003, 30). For instance, the manner an ATM machine operates; it applies UML figures to display the manner that it operates based on the model, clients and banks. A class figure is applied to get a general look at the aspects. An instance is shown below.

The UML figure shows how the ATM works and the attributes of varied classes, the customer makes payment. The cast transactions are registered while issuing the credit and checking the balance. The ATM only applies three steps while it cannot operate without the client giving his or her details. The assumption made is that an invalid customer is automatically turned down.

Advancing to the application of the case figure, that is quite precise. The Case figure is applied to define the operability of the model in a flat manner (Weill and Vitale 1999, 614). This means that it shows the attributes of the model, UCDs may be applied to display the present operability, like below is a precise duty undertaken by the process.


app Invalid PINs

Moreover, in the figure above a precise class in depth and the process that it applies. They describe the varied forms of an object. The forms are then altered by the happenings. The charts are vital to form responsive models. The charts state the tendency of management from one form to another. The states are described as an aspect that an object is present and it alters when an action is motivated. Hence the most vital chart figure is to create a lifetime of the object form start to the end. The assumption made is that cancellation is termination of process.

Shifting from the state figure to display a precise duty an activity figure is applied to show the procedures application. An activity figure is applied so as to show the process of activities. The figures display the work tendency with information of the choice paths that are there in the activities composed in the activity. They may be applied to show in the case of parallel processing may take place in the use of certain activities. The activity figure is vital for business forms where they are applied in depth.

Ultimately, the sequence figures display the manner the flow is undertaken, the manner the activities happen. The sequence figures are applied to display the manner the objects are handled in a certain case. A vital feature of the figure is that it uses time from the highest point to the least point: the process begins from high to low. The assumption made is that the process is only viable for a student who is valid and registered in the bank.

Sequence Diagram of an ATM money withdrawal





  1. Class diagram – for the library and why you done it


This section will look at the class diagram regarding the library and the varied resources that are involved in it. In the varied aspects of the library, there are varied attributes that are used to describe the diagram.

Description: Class diagram – for the library – This is the correct class diagram

The diagram is a class diagram of what takes place in the library. The customer, books and catalogue have attributes which are related on a one to many basis as well as many to many basis. The association between them is shown. The assumption made is that some processes may be skipped in the library management. The class diagram is composed of varied objects in the library that are related in varied ways making up the library management system.



In this diagram I did not allocate the correct names which are necessary. This is necessary so as to make reference to it. A good instance is in the resources offered by the library. The people that go to the library may not acquire resources needed however they want. The diagram has however displayed that the visitors can acquire the resources ones, only if the naming was changed to accommodate one or many library resources this would help to mean that the process did not have to be repeated again. The diagram shows objects with attributes and how they are associated to bring about a relation.


Use case diagram – for 3-4 non-trivial use cases – in the system senior


This section will look at the use case diagrams that are applicable in stating the process carried out by the librarian, and student in borrowing a book. The use case will show the activities involved in a clear manner.

Description: Use case diagram – for 3-4 non-trivial use cases – in the system senior – 4 different

Use Case Diagram (Case 1): Student loaning a Book

The diagram shows the process followed by the student in getting a book from the library system. The student has to search the book on the computer before acquiring it from the shelf.

In this diagram I applied the case diagram to show the process followed by the student in getting a book. They are able to able to undertake a number of duties like looking at the available book on the system and on the shelf. The process does not restrict access in searching a book.


Use Case Diagram (Case 2): Student loaning a book

The diagram shows the activities undertaken by the student in the library when loaning a book. These activities involve validating the user for loan to be processed. The process has a restrictive aspect on people that have outstanding loans. The process does not restrict the number of books loaned.


The use case is different from the one above and goes through what the student does in the library when loaning a book. The student has to be registered and the right pin is used to acquire their information. The borrowing of books means computing the fines if any.

Use Case Diagram (Case 3): Fine Payment

The diagram shows the process employed in the library in the loaning a book. The process is mandatory step when borrowing a book with outstanding debt. The librarian is able to confirm the student details; name and ID if they are valid and then compute the fine. Assumption is that if the details are invalid, the student is not allowed to acquire a book.


The use case diagram above shows the process of paying a book that had been fined and the procedures taking place.

Use Case Diagram (Case 4): Acquisition of Book

This process follows the payment of fine from the librarian help desk. Where here the student is able to borrow the book, the assumption made is that the student is allocated a due date. The librarian clears the student to borrow the book.


The getting of the book is the last part as the student has paid the fines and his or her details are confirmed. The student is set to meet the rules of the library by returning the book on the due date otherwise a fine is charged.
State Diagrams – for 3 non – trivial classes/objects – for a practical class


The diagram are used to state the resources and processes that take place in the library, this include the book reservation, search for books and fine computation among others (Sabherwal et al 2006, 1850). The processes in the library are undertaken by these aspects.

State Diagrams (State Diagram 1- Reserve Book)


The state diagram above shows the reservation process applied in the library as the student acquires a book. The student is able to enter the library system using valid details and check the availability of the book. The book is then reserved for the student. The assumption is that the user is a valid user and the number of books is not limited while invalid users do not proceed with the reservation. The varied aspects are relevant in the reservation of a book in the library.


Book reservation applies several aspects discussed initially with attributes. The associations present are used to connect the varied objects like confirmation of details. The process is hence well understood.


State Diagrams (State Diagram 2- Library activities)

The state diagram shows the process that is followed by the librarian in the library. The librarian is able to issue a book, verify details, update catalogue among others in the library. He or she is able to turn down book acquisition to the student. The assumption made is that the student can ask for the librarians help in any process.


The objects, attributes and associations are applied by the librarian in undertaking their activities. The relations used help to understand and follow the process of the librarian. The process has decision boxes that may go either way.

State Diagrams (State Diagram 3- Student Activities)

The state diagram above shows the activities undertaken by the student while in the library hence get the book required. The student is able to log in and access library resources with valid details. A student is able to search a book and acquire with a fine that is less that 5 pounds while if it is above the student is not able to acquire a book. Books that are over due are saved and charged to the student. When they are done, they can save their details then log out. The assumption made is that the student can acquire help from the librarian in any process in the library (Doll and Torkzadeh, 1998, 172).


The state diagram displays the process by the student in getting a book and the role played by the librarian in charging for a book that is over due. The process is simple and precise and clears the student once the cash is paid while restriction is allocated to over due cash. Assumption is that the absence of student details section means that the student has no outstanding debt and is issued a book. The objects and associations help to acquire meaning of the whole payment process.


One Activity Diagram – more than 1 class a verb.


The Activity diagram is used to show the process that takes place in the library. Of focus is the renewal of a book. The diagram shows the process that takes place in the renewal of a book.

Activity Diagram (Activity Diagram 1Renewal of a Book)


The diagram describes the process employed in the renewal of a book. The student after acquiring a book in the library is able to request for an extension of the book to another date lest he or she gets fined. The process may be positive or negative (Doll and Torkzadeh, 1998, 178). The assumption made is that the book is in good condition hence no fine is issued.


Book renewal only takes place when the student has borrowed a book and the student has requested for a renewal. This process does away with the chance for issuance of a fine.

One Sequence Diagram –one practical order


This section looks at the process of returning a book to the library. This is a common process that is followed and is quite complicated. The diagram simplifies the process.

Use Case Diagram (Sequence Diagram 1: Returning of a Book)


The diagram looks at the process involved in the returning of a book. The student has verified details and checks the state of the book for it to be accepted by the library. Moreover, the student past details is looked at; issues like fines among other details for clearance to be effected (Mcgill et al, 2003, 40). The student account with the library is hence reset.


The sequence diagram displays the processes that are involved in the object and the manner they are applied. The return of a book is the main consideration here till the student clearance.


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